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艺术中国 | 时间: 2011-03-24 09:16:47 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

Wang: Can we understand it this way, the original idea of “Encyclopedia of the Emperor” is a painting novel?

Liu: All the works I paint are a part of “Encyclopedia of the Emperor”. Or we can say the “Encyclopedia of the Emperor” is Liu Zhiyi, Liu Zhiyi is the “Encyclopedia of the Emperor”. Now I pursue the “Let it be!” attitude in my creations, just like the attitude towards life.

Wang: I haven’t seen any works last year, what were you doing?

Liu: Accumulation. I completed an expected transition during this period. I made my 3D models while painting new works. First, I set up a model image and then disposed it in flat. In order to establish a virtual environment and properties more freely, I made a “real” 3D Model, and then created it dramatically.

Wang: Why does it take such a long time? It’s such a long circle for you to create one work.

Liu: Is that long? These models are preparations for my future creations. On this basis, several of my series of future works may be derived, also providing a deductive direction for my future works. Hence, I think it’s necessary for it to take a lot of time. I care a lot about the long-term development of my works, pursuing an imaginable perfect, rather than a short-term profit and return.

Wang: What’s your understanding of oil painting? What’s your opinion on the paintings that use software as technologies?

Liu: I think there is no conflict between computer technologies and traditional paintings. If we could handle these advanced means and technologies well and put some fresh elements into traditional paintings, the painting languages would become more and more rich and the painting itself would present a multi-developing tendency, developing a larger space and possibility. I think it is a good thing.

Wang: From the life-forms of half-man and half-machine to robot, cloud, life-form and blue and white porcelain, we can see that this book is divided into several chapters. Do you paint a new chapter?

Liu: The spirit of humankind needs to be “upgraded”, so my works will give you a complete presentation of this “upgraded” human spirit gradually and we can regard it as “upgrade” synchronously. The different contents which appeared on the painting haven’t departed from my original thoughts and it needed a lot time to present itself.

Wang: Do you have any plans to make some dolls or movies in the future?

Liu: Who knows? It depends on the opportunity. I believe this (laughing), just let it be.


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