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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-06-08 17:42:59 | 文章来源: 艺术中国



Utopia- Interpretation of New Era

开幕时间 / Opening :

2009年6月13日(星期六/ Saturday) 下午四时

4:00pm, 13 June 2009

展期 / Exhibition Period :


13 June to 9 August 2009


每一个世代的人们都有一个属于他们时代的乌托邦。二十一世纪出现了很多新观念及新发明,几乎彻底改变了人类的生活模式。科技与经济的进步似乎将我们的生活带到了一个理想的时代。在这个革命性的年代,乌托邦于我们又是什么?乌托邦除了象征着理想国以外,亦被普遍解释为一个不切实际或虚无缥缈的目标。 到底我们身处的是一个理想世界还是一个幻象呢?

“Everyone has their own Utopia…”

A myriad of new concepts and inventions emerging in the 21st century are changing the entire human life mode. Technological and economic breakthroughs seem to have led us and our lifestyle into an idealistic era. In today’s revolutionary times, what does Utopia mean? Utopia, apart from being an emblem of idealistic realms, is also commonly interpreted as an unrealistic and purely imaginary goal. Then, where we currently are, is it an idealistic world or just an illusion?

参展人 / Participating Artists:

洪静文 HONG Cheng Man (澳门) 、郭恬熙 Alice Kok (澳门) 、吴方洲 Ng Fong Chao (澳门) 、李锐俊Jane Lei (澳门) 、马騑安Fernando Madeira (澳门)、马玉安João Magalhães (澳门)、高世强GAO Shi Qiang (中国)、石井 润'一郎Ishii Jun’ichio (日本)、赖新龙 Hsin-lung LAI (台湾)、魂游 Wen Yau (香港)、Pisithpong (Ong) Siraphisut (泰国)

策展人 / Curator:

李绮琪 Gigi Lee Yee Kee

主办 / Organization:

婆仔屋艺术空间 / Old Ladies’ House Art Space

赞助 / Sponsor:

民政总署/ IACM

文化局 / ICGM



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