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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-10-29 16:18:27 | 文章来源: 艺术中国


In such a peaceful environment, people originally should enjoy life, but Tiejun creates series of work which had great impact, such as The Ground Scenery, Fog, Nature, and Colored Dogs. All his paintings are in large size, with black, white or grey color. The vague frame makes the scenery not like scenery. Does he mix up the boundary of memory in his years of adventure? And in his finished works, the indulged use and flow of colours and inks tear up those vague images. Is he deliberately using violence to destroy the peace of the scenery? I do not intensively want to know what the artist want to review in his paintings, what I am more concerned is his way of speaking. Tiejun has a yearning daily practice of gentle landscape paintings and calligraphy, and I believe his benefit from that will affect his expression of ground sceneries.


Like me keeping the memory of Song Village, in Tiejun’s memory, there is also unique ground scenery. Memory is the most important value experience in our life. It mixes the time and space, even put aside of them, making the image sometimes vague and sometimes clear. Most people use photographing to keep their memory, while Tiejun put it directly on his paintings. From the view of molding language, the non-determinacy of image could prevent massive narration effectively, thus makes all artist’s saying just a hint. There is no recurrence, no lecture.


Generally speaking, people could see scenery because people are there, thus the ground is not a general and abstract natural space, but a specific environment where living individuals could express themselves. Tiejun change “space” into specific “ground”. We can say the “ground” where modern people live is not only full of beneficial conflicts and cultural conflicts between people and people, but also full of contradictions between people and thing, or people and being. “Scenery Amnesia” in psychology is usually an expression of such conflict and contradiction. Bus, railway and plane, all those modern technological items in Tiejun’s works are very common to people, but behind them are the living pressure of people, the reasonable rule which people would like to bear unconsciously. Maybe, Tiejun’s painting could only use a vague and “violent” way to express the weak existence of individual life in contemporary technology system.


Inside the ground district, people see and paint, the understanding is continuing, so is the memory, continues in great non-determinacy. From Yuanmingyuan to Song Village, during 20 years, the great upheaval of the cities and countries in China has shattered the scenery in memory into pieces; the construction of public sight on one hand make up the great narration of the era, on the other hand clean up the fresh details in our living memory step by step, thus it also makes the discrepancy between individuals indistinct. For sure, we are used to those imposing large sights from the lens of power; the ground district is building one by one, the scenery is changing little by little, and what leave to us is only watch in wander.



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