




时间:   2009-09-01 15:19:54    |   来源:    艺术中国
展讯 >







2009年8月29日至10月25日,新加坡美术馆将为国际知名中国艺术家卢昊举办其在东南亚美术馆的第一个个展“城市现在时:卢昊绘画与装置艺术展”。20世纪90年代以来,卢昊曾多次参加国际知名艺术展览与双年展,包括1999年威尼斯双年展,2002年圣保罗双年展以及2007年第十二届卡塞尔文献展。作为2009年威尼斯双年展中国馆的总策展人,卢昊提出一个令人深思的主题 “见微知著”,展示了有中国特色的重要当代艺术家的作品。


From 29 August to 25 October 2009, the Singapore Art Museum presents Cities Here and Now: Paintings and Installation Works by Lu Hao, the first solo museum exhibition in Southeast Asia for internationally renowned Chinese contemporary artist Lu Hao. Lu has participated in many prestigious international exhibitions and biennales since the late 1990s, including the 1999 Venice Biennale, the 2002 São Paulo Bienal as well as the 2007 Documenta 12. As co-curator of the 2009 Venice Biennale Chinese Pavilion, Lu presented a thought-provoking exhibition What is to Come, featuring established Chinese contemporary artists.

In his own artistic practice, Lu Hao makes reference to the traditional long hand scroll, "court-style" formats and ink idioms of Chinese painting as well as photorealism, and combines them with postmodern ideas on urban and social memory. Lu's recent works comment on contemporary transformations of Beijing lifestyles and architecture. For the exhibition at the Singapore Art Museum, internationally renowned guest curator Professor Wu Hung, Director, Center for the Art of East Asia, The University of Chicago will work with Lu Hao to present an overview of his artistic practice with sculptures, recent ink paintings and other new works.


Cities Here and Now: Paintings and Installation Works by Lu Hao

Curator: Wu Hung

Exhibition Dates: Aug.29th---Oct.25th ,2009

Add: Singapore Art Museum




