

探究与实验 Exploration and Experimentation




Explore, Experiment, Decode, Code


Key Words: Acknowledge, Motivation, Creation


City Environment: A city has everything, from population settlements and building permutations to street side gardens, yet these all seem irrelevant to you. Cities are man’s pot of creation.


Desert Environment: This grand space created by countless sand and dust seems empty, but in truth, it embodies immeasurable imagination and glory through a micro lens. I love transitioning between cities and deserts, nothing created by something, and something created by nothing. These environments are differentiated by their provenance, one artificial, and the other natural, yet they both have individual sceneries.

十年前,一次内蒙之行,被朋友带到沙漠,严格来说还不算是纯粹沙漠,沙地加杂草之类的,部分沙漠……。Ten years ago, I, along with my friends, visited theA Desert during a trip to Mongolia. Strictly speaking,This Desert was a half desert instead of a complete desert because there were weeds that grew in the area.


It was the first time I had ever set foot in a desert as well as the first time the car I was driving had ventured into such a place. I was extremely excited for I had never experienced this before. After gazing at the spectacular desertscape, we decided to proceed on our journey. I started the car, stepped on the gas, and soon realized that it could not move not all as the wheels sank deep into the sand. Then the chassis fell straight to the ground. I thought,“Great! Now we are completely stuck here.”I was then told I needed to deflate the wheel slightly in order to increase the surface of the wheel touching the ground, thus increasing the surface for friction. I started the engine and proceeded to move slowly forward, accelerating only when the topography allowed. It is important to avoid having to restart a car, and in cases where absolutely necessary, it is suggested to move to an area with hard sand or a steep hill to prevent the car from sinking. These were all the things I gradually understood as we attempted to return to safer roads.


Although I was accompanied by my friends, as the one behind the wheel, I alone needed to face the unpredictable topography and maneuver the car safely for all of us. Only during times when I was in a dangerous situation or when the car sank would my companions help me. To this end, it was better that I learned to recognize and escape from dangers on my own instead of having to bother others constantly. All of us were in the desert for the experience, but owing to its complicated and menacing topography, dangerous situations were unavoidable. For example, the car could sidetrack down the hill, not to mention the more serious situation of the car just toppling down. In these scenarios, I needed my friends to rescue me.


Usually, there is unspoken mutual consent for cooperation. Although we traveling together, we were not responsible for one another’s lives; instead, we were obligated to help one another. Therefore, everyone needed to move in their own capacity, drive carefully, not put our own lives in danger, and minimize the times we impose pressure on others. In the end, I needed to face the challenges myself.


After this trip, I started to love the desert; it brings me a long-lost feeling but I do not know why. Therefore, I insisted on returning to the desert two to three times every year during the October holiday, New Year festival, and Spring festival. A half-month before these holidays, I begin preparing all kinds of equipment as well as mentally prepare myself. I am confused as to the reason I love desert to the point where I question if my ancestry was of the desert, and it was only until my generation that we returned to my birthplace. I can almost hear my ancestors calling. Fortunately, I will not become hairy by returning numerous times to the desert.


Perhaps I am accustomed to living in a civilized society with all its complicated structures and restrictions. I was overwhelmed as I entered the unfamiliar natural space of a desert, not knowing how to interact with it. Fear arouse as I was rusty with my driving technique in addition to the complex and dangerous topography. Even with my improved techniques, I was scared I would fail and this feeling refused to cease. However, as I calmed down, I was able to adapt to the surprises that this other space on earth brings. Moreover, I was able to attempt to indulge myself in her arms as I enjoyed the smoothness after extreme solitude.


I thought,“This is like returning to the birth of humanity—that familiar, intimate, yet estranged space.”Maybe the desert is a place coded by earth, because it can summon me to sleep, an inexplicable and faint sense of impulsion in my body. It seems as if I have to thoroughly comprehend her, explore her, and, importantly, decode her. This is my motivation for creation, a motivation that has only existed for six years since my exploration in the desert in 2012.


This impulsive decision led to a decade’s worth of effort and experimentation, perhaps even a process of production. This beginning seems as if it was well planned out, but it was not until I have started creating did I drown all sorts of chaos, including materials, techniques, and tools, among many others. It became even more vexing when I thought I was keen but was in fact clueless, simply getting to know the tools took me a long time. Furthermore, as I was unwilling to eliminate the scenery in the desert, my objective perception was difficult to form.


The desert embodies numerous unpredictable challenges and paradigm interferences. As I previously said,“It is easy to comprehend her, but it is difficult to express her.”This process is similar to this place; sometimes it shines into triumph, sometimes it falls into the trough, and just as its structural language improves somewhat, it immediately falls into new doubts.


At the beginning, due to spatial restraints, I could only start from paper and ink. Gradually, after four years of experimenting, I started to understand but it still felt like I was missing various things. Paper and ink were not able to fully express my response to the desert, so I asked myself,“What do you really want?”I remember clearly the response I gave,“My voice.”It was true. I yearned for a pure voice, the voice of my creation, with time and spatial factors, with accurate data, with this, with that, with everything.


It was not until then that I began to realize what I truly wanted to express; it was the delineation of the desert’s overall structure. Indeed, it was the response after fully experiencing the desert area, not only the response to the specific space, but also a conceptual response both to the desert as well as myself. With this new perception in mind, I continued to visit the desert, searching and collecting previously neglected data. My clear vision allowed me to decipher previously ignored details. At the same time, I started learning about other mediums and experiments.


Perhaps it was my habit after 10 years in design, so I take responsibility for my decisions. Design is solving others’problem while likewise solving my own. Self-exploration and creation entail solving my own problem along with that of the society. Only this time, the“client”has become myself, one who has changeable perceptions and requirements. Sometimes, I am not even certain what I desire, a client who is never satisfied.


I am thankful for my university education for it provided me with non-paradigm training. It taught me not to turn the techniques of a medium into my central focus. As a result, I am capable of exploring all the possibilities with the mediums depending on the requirements, thus determining the medium structure to delineate the events. Nonetheless, I still require considerable time to study and learn about the fundamental principles of the medium, such as painting language and material technology; software and hardware for composing; and the ability to play the fingerings required for composition, such as video recording and editing. Some people might say I can hire a professional assistant. It is not that I do not want one, but how can I find an assistant who is willing to work for someone who does not even know what they want to do? I can only learn and practice by myself and, in time, start to understand while I practice. I think of this process as using my sincerity to repay the grace the desert has given me. The result does not matter! Walking into the desert requires courage and skills, but walking out of the desert, creating a system and language for creation, and maintaining a parallel yet not constrained expression are infinitely more difficult.


Sometime in 2018, the director of“Guan Shan Yue”Art Gallery invited me to partake in an exhibition. I thought that after so many years of experimentations, I must have created a large collection of art works, so it should be fine. Thus, I accepted, and the exhibition time was determined to be at the end of 2019.


I commenced examining all my existing art works as soon as I returned, but I realized my works were fragmented, lacking a consistent system of creation. Many of my questions remained answered, and the documentation was inaccurate. The sloppy research and creation were plain to see when time had passed.


How can I organize my work before the exhibition? How can I continue experimenting and exploring within the limited time frame? How can I delineate the structure and the overall picture given the spatial restraints. All these issues were right in front of me with very limited time left!


Accepting the offer to participate in the exhibition increased my experiment process and speed; in fact, it was effective. Many ideas were forced out of the preparation period for the exhibition. As new form of experimenting work arose, it optimized the exhibition structure and content sections. The exhibition was a catalyst. Thus, I am sincerely thankful for“Guan Shan Yue”Art Aallery and to Director Xin for his invitation.



If saying that desert exploration and documentation collection is the process for decoding the desert, then forming a perception and showcasing the experimental work is the process of coding. Hence, the exhibition itself is the representation of this entire procedure. The process is the result. At the same time, I am hoping that the exhibition can demonstrate to the audience the various dimensions of this decoding program procedure. The desert is vast; its tall sand mountains cover tens of thousands of square kilometers in territory, and the surrounding environments are inextricably linked.


In the hinterland of the desert, there will be feelings of unrealistic spatial scenes, which cannot be docked with the spatial form of experience, similar to floating in a non-specific place outside the earth.


If I must offer an approximate association, then the closest thing is a documentary illustration of Mars or other planets that I have seen. In short, it is not a familiar earth, but rather one that it is highly specific and abstract.


I used to think that the desert may be the place where early humans left. From the perspective of the history of the earth, what has happened here? Was it the same as in the sea, the forest, or other landforms? If not, then it would have been impossible to have oil and water from under the ground or for the least organic matter to have existed. During the formation that took place over hundreds of millions of years, the earth underwent countless changes and self-integration movements, including the iterative renewal of life, which finally shaped a diverse and vivid ecological environment on earth. At the same time, such transformation has selectively promoted the evolution and upgrading of life forms. Human beings are the only advanced evolutionary species that are ultimately preferred.


Maybe God exists. God is the promoter and energy that formed the universe. Who knows?


Interestingly, the vast desert is composed of tiny grains of dust almost invisible to the naked eye. As my inquiry deepened, my interest eventually transitioned from the macro space to the microscopic individual sand grains.


I want to know who they are and where they are from.


I have reviewed extensive desert science materials, and I have a general understanding of geography and the formation process and causes of deserts. I learned that sand grains actually originate from different regions. Under the earth’s pressure and monsoon, the dust of various substances reached their designated area on earth after tens of thousands of years, gradually forming the current scale.


A tiny speck of dust appears to be insignificant in the vast desert. However, when you observe it under a high-power microscope, you will discover that every speck of dust has a clear and complex structure, colorful, vivid, and interesting with various lines on the surface. The structure and traces clearly record the life of each speck as well as offers a brief history of the desert’s development—some crystal clear, others mottled vicissitudes.


In a sense, the history of human evolution is very similar to the evolution of the desert; after all, human beings are products of natural evolution.


Ask questions in an artistic way and solve problems in a design way!

探究与实验 Exploration and Experimentation

来源: 艺术中国 | 时间: 2021-11-29
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下一页敬畏、技术、胆量 Fear, Technology, Courage 上一页一沙一世界 To see the world in a grain of sand