

一沙一世界 To see the world in a grain of sand




The desert is an enormous society of sand grains, with each grain a unique individual. Grains may form from the mountains, from the rivers, from the earth, or from outer space, but all of them carry material and seasonal information regarding their birth. Individual sand grains are forced to aggregate by the pressure from the monsoon and the movements of the earth. When massive sand grains are gathered, the deserts are formed…


Sand grains that are in the desert are all immigrants; they migrate with the wind every season. One grain may move to another place, while one may travel through the desert with the fierce wind but still remain a permanent resident of the desert field.


The expansive desert, dust from hundreds of millions of years…


Throughout different periods, as they travel through places and materials, sand grains have been gathering in an exclusive space. During this process of gathering, they turn over and over, roll up and down. Finally, they form a staggered field, the most amazing wonder: desert.


The wind is the biggest director behind the desert.


Each sand grains has its characteristics from time and material. Unsurprisingly, some grains are messengers sent from the stars. Under the influence of the wind, sand grains are fortunate to have gathered to form such a grand field.


The shape and material characters of sand grain are represented by complex and rich surface structures, which are valuable traces from time and space.


Each sand grain is born from different materials and regions, and they reveal significant differences among one another. Grains from the desert have gathered various substances of the earth regardless of their characteristics.


The desert is both microscopic and macroscopic. The macroscopic desert field is composed of grains of sand as a whole, but each tiny little grain carries with it abundant information regarding the structure of space and time. The macroscopic universe is composed of microscopic particles, same as the desert. Desert is a space of time that preserves the evolutionary clues of the earth’s and the universe’s development.

一沙一世界 To see the world in a grain of sand


来源: 艺术中国 | 时间: 2021-11-29
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