

敬畏、技术、胆量 Fear, Technology, Courage




Fear, Technology, Courage At the hinterland of a desert, one needs to first remove a few thoughts that may easilyconquer, overcome, challenge, or show off….


Any impulsive thought can easily lead to physical injury, pain, or even death with accidents. Some people may say,“as long as you have the guts and good cars, you can do whatever you want in the desert.” The evidence of various tragic accidents that have occurred in deserts prove them wrong. Most accident victims are brave, courageous, and ambitious, which is why they ignore the fact that the desert is risky. Everyone needs to be cautious when entering the desert!


If one wants to complete the inspection mission in the desert hinterlands and come back home safe, one must have courage, qualified driving skills, and good mental qualities. All of these qualities have to be based on the premise of respect for deserts. Deserts are complex and changeable, and their spatial scale is grand. The unpredictable height difference of sand slopes does not give most people time to react while driving. Some sand slopes are close to 40 degrees and their height is more than 100 meters; both of their sides are steep, which are called the“A” slopes. Therefore, most rollover accidents occur under such terrains and conditions. Drivers should be highly cautious and focused over such slopes. Technically, one has to drive with balance and consider themselves as the car. The car’s speed and power cannot be too fast or too weak. Taking steps back at the sand slope and start over are preferable, rather than forcing to go, which leads to accidents. The best way to drive over the slopes is to have the four tires close to the sand surface and then turn to the other side of the slope before the speed power fades.


After crossing the desert slope, the speed of a car is still constant because of inertia, but the heavy front of the car suddenly falls. This situation can prevent people from stepping on the car break, which can cause a vehicle rollover, especially when fast and impulse speed meets the emergency brake. The right way to control the vehicle is as follows: First, moderately refuel and then increase the front force of the car to offset the impulse from inertia. When the car maintains stability again, one can refuel or brake depending on the situation. Swiftness between braking and refueling can maintain a stable speed to drive through downhill. If one loses control, then one can be involved in an accident! Moreover, deserts are empty and wide, encompassing tens of thousands of square kilometers, so one must prepare enough gasoline, foods and drinks, outdoor kitchenware, tents, rescue equipment, first aid kits, and radio equipment (preferably satellite phones because of the absence of mobile signal), among others. Only then can you can experience and investigate the mission!


If the Earth is alive, then deserts are part of the life of the Earth. Respect deserts if you respect the Earth.


The basic requirement is to enter andtoleave alive.


Fortunately, my peers all have respect for deserts and have superb driving skills. With the same philosophy, we have accompanied one another for many years: to entrust, care, and rescue one another and to live and die together. They taught me a driving technique, which gives me the basic ability to visit desert hinterlands and complete the investigation, experience, and collection. Without them, I can hardly complete my creative activities. We are like sand, from different industries and background, without doubt about one another. We assist one another to invest in desert hinterlands. We share the same passion, which allows us to gather every year and celebrate.


Thank you my friends!

敬畏、技术、胆量 Fear, Technology, Courage


来源: 艺术中国 | 时间: 2021-11-29
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