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格雷森•佩里(Grayson Perry)

艺术中国 | 时间: 2010-01-29 19:11:17 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

格雷森•佩里(Grayson Perry)

(2003年获得 “透纳奖”)

格雷森•佩里于1960年出生于埃塞克斯郡的切姆斯福德。他先后在布伦特里继续教育学院(Braintree College of Further Education )和朴茨茅斯理工学院(Portsmouth Polytechnic)求学。

2003年, 佩里因其在阿姆斯特丹市立博物馆(Stedelijk Museum)和伦敦巴比肯艺术中心(Barbican Art Gallery)的展览而被授予特纳奖。



Grayson Perry

(won the Turner Prize in 2003)

born in 1960

Grayson Perry was born in Chelmsford, Essex. He studied at Braintree College of Further Education and later at Portsmouth Polytechnic.

In 2003, Perry was awarded the Turner Prize for his exhibitions at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, and the Barbican Art Gallery, London.

Perry uses the seductive qualities of ceramics and other art forms to make stealthy comments about societal injustices and hypocrisies, and to explore a variety of historical and contemporary themes. The beauty of his work is what draws us close. Covered with sgraffito drawings, handwritten and stencilled texts, photographic transfers and rich glazes, Perry's detailed pots are deeply alluring. Only when we are up close do we start to absorb narratives that might allude to dark subjects such as environmental disaster or child abuse, and even then the narrative flow can be hard to discern. As he says: 'A lot of my work has always had a guerrilla tactic, a stealth tactic. I want to make something that lives with the eye as a beautiful piece of art, but on closer inspection, a polemic or an ideology will come out of it'.

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