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安尼施•卡普尔(Anish Kapoor)

艺术中国 | 时间: 2010-01-29 19:11:55 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

安尼施•卡普尔(Anish Kapoor)


生于 1954年

印度出生的英国雕塑家。他属于20世纪80年代获得国际声誉的一代英国雕塑家,由于作品中洋溢着全然与外界隔离的抒情气质而享誉当时的雕塑界。他承认自己的艺术创作中融汇了东方和西方的文化。他的雕塑作品之所以充满强大精神力量和神秘感的共振态,其中一部分原因就是他经常的印度之行。他将沙石、大理石和板岩等自然材料涂上色彩艳丽的粗糙色粉,创造了由内而外的闪耀光芒。20世纪90年代早期,他通过在石头的侧面打孔创造了一种更具神秘感的斜面,而在作品《地球(The Earth)》(1992,安装在圣地亚哥,CA, Mus. A.; 得梅因, IA, A. Cent.; 渥太华, N.G.等地)中,他从美术馆的地板上切去了一个圆形,让人们体会阴性空隙的奇妙效果。在他的其他作品中,他通过一种类似炼金术的方式转变材料,创造失重的印象,泥土的平板被涂上鲜艳的蓝色涂料,代表天空和水。通过用富有想象力的方式把完全不相联系的材料结合成神秘的结构,他使观众的注意力集中在材料的内部平衡和协调状态上。


Anish Kapoor

(won the Turner Prize in 1991)

Anish is a British sculptor of Indian birth. He was one of a generation of British-based sculptors who became established in the international arena during the 1980s and is prominent among his contemporaries for the quality of hermetic lyricism that permeates his work. He has acknowledged a bearing on his art of both Western and Eastern culture. The powerful spiritual and mythological resonances of his sculptures arise in part from frequent return visits to India. Natural materials such as sandstone, marble and slate are impregnated with raw powdered pigment of vivid hues, thus enhancing a feeling of inner radiance. In the early 1990s he introduced a more enigmatic slant by boring holes in the flanks of standing stones, while in The Earth (1992; installed San Diego, CA, Mus. A.; Des Moines, IA, A. Cent.; Ottawa, N.G.; and elsewhere) a perfect circle was removed from the gallery floor to intimate the generative effect of negative space. In other works impressions of weightlessness stem from the skilled transformation of materials by an almost alchemical process; earth slabs coated with brilliant blue pigment become signs for sky and water. By imaginative combination of disparate materials in meditative structures, attention is focused on qualities of interior balance and well-being.

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