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艺术中国 | 时间: 2010-05-06 16:16:37 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

青少节目 Kids&Youth


5月8日 10:30-12:30

【青少节目】彩虹之旅 5:镜子上的绘画——与CAI,BCG一起携手希望之星打工子弟

UCCA 咖啡驿站/活动免费/中文讲座


May 8, 10:30-12:30

【Children/Youth Program】Rainbow Journey 5: Mirror Painting - UCCA cooperates with CAI, Boston Consulting Group and Xiwang Zhixing School for migrant children

Café & Bakery / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

After the first successful cooperation with CAI, we are now inviting migrant students from the Xiwang Zhixing School to visit the UCCA's latest exhibition. The children will have fun as they tour through this special art discovery. After the guided tour, a workshop will be led by young artists Yuan Yuan and Pan Lin, whose exhibition True False Objects is now presented at the UCCA.


5月9日 10:00-12:00

【青少节目】UCCA-“启想”儿童工作坊及艺术教育讲座系列 1




May 9, 10:00-12:00

【Children/Youth Program】UCCA-“Creative”Children Workshop & Art Education Lecture Series 1

La Suite / In Chinese Only /Free Lecture,Workshop 50 RMB per child

A specialist on children’s art, Ms. Luo will introduce the features of children’s painting in different periods and talk about the relationship between painting and children’s social and mental development. Parents can discuss with Ms. Luo on how to support the development of children through art.

In conjunction with a review of the exhibition True False Objects, children will learn how to observe and express details in life in an unexpected way.


5月15日 10:00-12:00

【青少节目】儿童公益活动 花儿朵朵 ——纪念汶川地震两周年,献给玉树小朋友的六一礼物

UCCA /活动免费/中文活动




May 15, 10:00-12:00

【Children/Youth Program】Public Children’s Program:Little Flower - A Gift to Children in Yushu, in Memory of Wenchuan Earthquake

UCCA / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

Children will learn to plant several trees of different sizes to learn about their growth. A short introduction about the life in the quake zone will start the program to educate children about caring for others.

Every participant can give a Children’s Day present to kids in Yushu (stationery recommended).

Booking required:84599269






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