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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-07-17 09:51:24 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

红门画廊将于2009年8月22日举办名为《版图——2009中国版画艺术工作室联盟 作品展》的大型的版画展。本次展览将由中央美术学院周吉荣教授策展,参展艺术家均来自中国版画艺术工作室联盟,他们包括:苏新平,周吉荣,陈奇,贺昆,卢治平,张广慧,唐承华,徐宝中等八位艺术家。这次展览是版画艺术工作室联盟继中国武汉、南京、上海以及英国曼彻斯特都会大学、达勒姆东方艺术馆、剑桥丘吉尔学院展览后跨区域的第七次联展。参展的艺术家都是在版画艺术创作领域名声显赫、非常活跃的艺术家。他们大多在中国著名的美术专业院校执教,艺术创作有各自的主题,使用不同的版种技法作画。艺术家们的集体志向是以联盟为分享信息和交流思想为平台,积极倡导原创版画的艺术价值,一起促进大众对版画艺术的欣赏和理解。





一、 以版为媒介创作的图画。

二、 版画和联盟的疆域概念。

三、 联盟的企图。立足版画,参与现代社会生活,倡导原创版画的艺术价值。






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BEIJING July 14, 2009 – Red Gate Gallery will mount In League, an exhibition of new prints at the Watchtower opening on Saturday, August 22, 2009. The participating artists will be from the League of China Printmaking Studios, and the show will be curated by Zhou Jirong, professor from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. In addition to Zhou, the other participants include Chen Qi, He Kun, Lu Zhiping, Su Xinping, Tang Chenghua, Xu Baozong and Zhang Guanghui. This exhibition is the 7th edition of the League after its presentations in Wuhan, Nanjing, Shanghai, Manchester Metropolitan University, Durham Oriental Museum and Churchill College of Cambridge. The participating artists are all very distinguished and active in the printmaking field of art, and most teach in prestigious academies in China. Their themes are varied and they use different types of blocks, skills and techniques in their challenging works. Based on the League as a platform of sharing information and exchanging thoughts and ideas, the collective’s ideal is to develop the artistic value of traditional printmaking, and promote public appreciation and understanding of it.

“There has been a lot of fresh expression in contemporary Chinese printmaking recently, and the popularity of prints has soared at recent art fairs,” says Red Gate director Tally Beck. “We are lucky to have Zhou Jirong on board with this exciting project.”

Red Gate Director Brian Wallace has worked with Zhou Jirong for many years and the two have worked together for the past few years to produce an annual printmaking calendar each November, the proceeds of which benefit the Philip Hayden Foundation, an organization that supports orphans in China.

The opening reception will take place on Saturday, August 22 from 3 to 5 pm at the Watchtower. The show will run until September 13.


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