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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-04-14 10:30:42 | 文章来源: 艺术中国












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    BEIJING April 10, 2009 – Red Gate Gallery will open ReGroup: New

    Opportunities in a New Climate on May 2, 2009. The show will feature smaller works by new and established Red Gate artists. Among those represented in theshow are Chen Yufei, Han Qing, Jiang Weitao, Li Gang, Liu Qinghe, Lu Peng, Tan Ping, Shi Zhongying, Su Xinping, Wang Lifeng, Wang Yuping, Wei Qingji, Xie Guoping, Zheng Xuewu, Zhou Jirong and Zhou Jun. “This show will focus on variety and accessibility. It will also be interesting to observe new directions in our artists’ freshest work,” says Red Gate Director Brian Wallace.

    A week after the show opens, on Sunday, May 9 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., there

    will be a cocktail reception featuring a brief tour of the new work with Red Gate Director Tally Beck. Immediately following, Katherine Don, Director of RedBox

    Studio and specialist in Chinese contemporary art will lead a discussion and give advice on how to best take advantage of the Beijing art scene. “I want to answer questions and allay fears that many interested people have about the Beijing contemporary art scene. I would like to build up people’s confidence in approaching the art community and also encourage them to explore beyond the borders of 798,” Don remarks.

    Red Gate Director Tally Beck is very optimistic about the response to ReGroup.

    “Red Gate is striving to be on the vanguard of the new direction of Chinese

    contemporary art. The reaction to Xie Guoping’s first solo exhibition in early April was extremely positive, and the high number of sales at the opening reception exceeded our expectations. I think ReGroup is going to met with a similar enthusiasm.”

    The exhibition will run through May 20 at the Watchtower.

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