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艺术中国 | 时间: 2010-04-20 09:32:42 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

Desktop Error

来自曼谷的desktop error是当前泰国最具爆炸性的后摇滚乐队,从早期深受90年代英国另类摇滚影响,及后加入曼谷独立音乐厂牌SO::ON Dry Flower即展现他们自身独特乐风,06年出版首张ep《Instinct》,六首曲子满载厚实吉他音墙与另类摇滚节奏,粗犷活力十足的现场演出迅速吸引曼谷地下摇滚乐迷与媒体注目。09年正式出版首张专辑《Ticket to Home》,一口气收录了14首他们的自创曲,首支单曲Took Took Wan (Everyday)即一呜惊人登上电台排行榜冠军达三周之久,乐队吉他手Adisak Poung-ok (Bird)以他广泛的音乐技能与独特的音乐品味,甚至加上传统泰国乐器,让乐队的风格得以确立,从泰国民谣、Shoegazing到后摇,一队拒绝被归类的强大音乐个体。

Desktop error began as a few high school buddies Tui (Bass), Meng (Drums), Bird (Guitar,keyboard), Op (Guitar) who were inspired by the 90's Brit alternative tunes. The band was completed after Lek (vocals) joined them a few years later. Desktop error started off their music career by playing indie rock covers at a small pub in downtown called Lullabar (one of few venue where kids can enjoy good live music in Bangkok). They soon decided that playing other people!s songs was not enough for them and began making their own under the name Desktop Error. They came to local indie label SO::ON Dry Flower with their uniquely heavy mind capturing music. Soon they released their debut mini album Instinct in 2006. The album is composed of 6 songs with thick wall of guitar sounds and alternative beats. Their yet rough but energetic live performance gained attention from local music listeners and media. In 2009, they released long awaited first full album Ticket to Home, they have spent 3 years to compose more than 20 songs and captured 14 of them into this album. Songs become more simple and strong with good melodies. As a result, their first single Took Took Wan (Everyday) stayed number one at radio chart for 3 weeks. Guitarist Bird's wide musical skill add unique taste to band's music, especially when he play Thai traditional instrument. Album consists variety of music style, from Thai folk to Shoegazer as if they refuse to be categorized in one genre.



Evade是来自澳门的电子乐队,成员包括主音Sonia、结他Brandon和计算机音效的Faye。Evade的音乐充满甜蜜和梦幻意境,以声音作媒介,寻找飘渺美感的氛围。音乐风格深受Electronica、Dream-pop、Shoegazing和Dubstep影响。是现今澳门独立音乐以及电子音乐领域的代表性声音。2009年出版了首张唱片“Evade EP”,于香港、台湾、新加坡及日本等各地发售,现正筹备第二张唱片中。

Comfort, like a cat in the sofa. Beauty, like a flower in my/your heart. Happiness, like a bath in the sea. Sadness, like a music in the past...... [The band was formed in Macau on August 2004.]



2005年由五位成员组成的WhyOceans,深受着英式迷幻摇滚影响,曲风折衷性游走于迷幻摇滚及情绪变化强烈的后摇滚之中。乐队成立后,积极参与及活跃于本地各类型演出,包括「Hush!! Full Band 2007 / 2008 」、Macao Underground series等。08年获邀参与由佰家音乐有限公司制作的本地摇滚音乐专辑iBands@Macau。09年,乐队应澳门大学学生会国际电影学会邀请,联同广州的沼泽乐队,于「After Silence - 默片现场配乐音乐会」为多套美国及西班牙早期默片电影作现场配乐演出。


同场加映:清水宏一(Koichi Shimizu)电影声音设计工作坊+专题放映会 http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=108638652504386&ref=nf

清水宏一 (Koichi Shimizu)是目前定居曼谷的日本声音艺术家,以计算机为主要创作工具,创作内容从摇滚、实验噪音到声音装置,并参与创作许多泰国知名广告与电视配乐,近年来涉足泰国电影配乐与声响处理更是成绩突出,合作者皆为泰国重量级导演,当中包括获奖连连的《伤心蔚蓝海》 (Wonderful Town)(导演Aditya Assarat)、《恋爱症候群》(Syndromes and a Century)(导演Apichatpong Weerasethakul、《暗涌》(Invisible Waves)与《森灵》(Nymph)(导演Pen-Ek Ratanaruang)等,而由其成立的音乐厂牌SO:ON Dry FLOWER更是异军突起,积极提拔泰国新晋音乐人,成为泰国独立音乐圈的奇葩。08年进一步成立自己的艺术空间SOL (Space of Liberty)。这次清水宏一将在拍板会址举行工作坊、专题电影方映会,并将带同旗下泰国后摇新势力 Desktop Error来澳演出。


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