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艺术中国 | 时间: 2010-04-12 15:04:16 | 文章来源: 艺术中国



Whispering With a Space-- Korean Artist Dae Hong Kim Artist-in-Residence

开幕/Opening: 2010年04月03日(星期六)下午4点  4:00pm, 03 April 2010

展出日期/Date: 2010年04月03日至05月02日 04 April to 02 May 2010

这个作品跟眼前的澳门或世界上最近发生的事都无关, 它只不过是‘我’ 和‘牛房二楼’这个独特空间悄悄对话的呈现。我在这个作品里几乎甚么也没做,只不过张开我的一双小耳朵去聆听空间对我的喃喃私语。本作品是短期在澳门逗留期间‘我’ 与‘空间’ 对话的产物。

this work is not a description of Macao or recent social issues in global. It is just a visualization of a slight secret conversation between the unique space, and me, which is located in the 2nd floor of Ox warehouse. The only thing what I do in this work is just opening my tiny two ears to hear what the space is talking to me. This is the result of the conversation between us during my stay in Macao.




Dae Hong Kim is a Korean artist who works in Busan. He completed his BFA and MFA degree at Busan National University. He is an interdisciplinary artist whose works include drawing, multimedia and short fiction which based on installation. His works seems far from the recent social issues but just a description about his trivial and private stories where he is forced to live in. For this he often uses extremely closed and narrow space like a labyrinth that is made with cardboard. It causes an uncanny experience to the audiences who hesitate ones' next step in the dark space.

Now he is currently staying in Macao for an OX warehouse international Artist-in-Residence program for a month.

策展人/curator :李锐奋 Frank Lei

艺术家/Artist:金大洪 Dae Hong Kim

地点/venu:牛房仓库 Ox Warehouse



地点 / Venue:牛房仓库 / Ox Warehouse


No Cruzamento entro a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau

开放时间 / Opening time:12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays

巴士路线 / Bus Line : 1,3,3X,4,5,5X,7,7A,8,8A,9,9A,16,17,25,25X,26,26A,28C,32,33,N2

查询 / For enquiry:28530026 (12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays)

传真/ Fax:28533047

E –mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.com




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