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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-03-21 11:46:53 | 文章来源: 艺术中国




  康海涛毕业于四川美院油画系,是中国70后新艺术家中的佼佼者。他的作品早期尝试多种风格,艺术视野极为广阔,有着激烈而迫切的情感释放。近期康海涛更多关注到风景和夜色,他创造性地把中国画"积墨"的方法借鉴用到纸本丙烯,营造出一种"宁静而悬疑"、"美丽而惊竦"的特殊氛围,在美学追求上同阿尔弗莱德*希区柯克(Alfred Hitchcock)的悬念电影与宫崎骏"美丽中隐藏恐怖"有类而不同,跨越性地拉开同二者的距离,同时反衬出当下都市人异样心理。在此意义而言,康海涛身居小城,心通天下,在审美情趣上同大都市艺术家并无二致,且从容达到了许多艺术家梦寐以求的当代性,虽然"当代"一词对他本人而言太过宏大----绘画无非他的生活方式。




Press Release

Introversion and Meditation

Wang Yanchu

PIFO New Art Gallery is proud to present “Introversion and Meditation”,Kang Haitao’s first solo exhibition, also PIFO New Art Gallery’s first exhibition in 798 Art Area. This exhibition will be on display from 20th March to 19th April, 2009, and the catalogue with the same name of the exhibition will be published at the opening of the exhibition. Ten fine art works during 1999 and 2009 of Kang Haitao will be shown.

“Introversion and Meditation” shows the theme of this exhibition. “Introversion” is the artist’s introspection to art and creation, following the claim from heart, to seek the essence of art and the source of the creation. “Meditation” is the inner attention for beauty, a kind of human solicitude. Besides the harmony between man and nature from traditional aesthetics, this exhibition also tries to initiate the attention and thinking, in a deeper layer, of human nature.

Graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Academy, Kang Haitao is one of the outstanding artists among the generation of 70s. In his early time, he attempted various art forms, which revealed his wide view of art and his passion and eager. Recently, he pays more attention to the beauty of scenery and night. He borrows shills from Chinese traditional paintings to cover his acrylic paintings a mood of peace but suspense, beauty but scariness. It is more than Alfred Hitchcock’s movies or Hayao Miyazaki’s animations, and it just reflects people’s strange states of mind. In this aspect, Kang Haitao, like other artists in big cities, is concerning about the world while living in a small city, and achieves the dreaming contemporary, even though contemporary is abstract to himself, because to him, painting is just a way of living.

When most of the artists filed into Beijing and Shanghai, Kang Haitao rarely leaves Sichuan. He is satisfied with the small city he is living. To Kang Haitao, art is in the ordinary landscapes, like the buildings, the trees and the bamboo forests. He is absorbed into his poetic world, seeking the simple and true way of nature. In his paintings, the far off misty mountains, the old buildings, the ethereal woods at night, or a piece of water are marvelous sceneries. He keeps on exploring the beauty of night and sceneries to make the outside objects sublimate into the inner nature. The express of spirit and soul is more than the outside experiences, to build a pure world of spirit.

Kang Haitao believes that the nature is more artistic than human beings. He endows the landscapes with peaceful and plain beauty. A wavering shadow of the tree brings spirits to the darkness. Kang Haitao never use light colors. But there are always rhythms of lights within his dark-color acrylic paintings. The rhythms are not aggressive, but electrify the audience with the plainest beauty. He is painting the breathy of night and sceneries like an angel. The poetic logic is telling the peace and beauty of human nature, which is a treasure to the impulsive environment. Kang Haitao’s detachment to fame and wealth, and his pursuit to art keep him in the pure land of art creation. You will deeply calm down when you are appreciating his works.

On 20th March, “Introversion and Meditation” will show you a peaceful world of night by Kang Haitao’s passion and pursuit of art. He is like a composer who is writing a melody with romantic brush strokes, pure colors and plain emotions. The melody will vibrate in you memory once you know it.


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· 向内,凝视
· 当夜的能量正在凝固地奏响
—— 听画观心•康海涛作品
· 向内,凝视——康海涛个展
· 康海涛简介
· 康海涛专访——晚上的风景