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艺术中国 | 时间: 2010-01-16 18:08:24 | 文章来源: 艺术中国 兰红超/ 拍摄

朱金石,节能时代,丰田汽车、LED灯体 ,200×500cm,2010

Zhu Jinshi,The Era of Energy Saving,A Toyota car model, LED light bulbs,200×500cm,2010


蒋崇无,远上寒山 (效果图),装置,废弃汽车压块、黑色车漆、细致白沙、LED频闪灯,1000×200×200cm,2009

Jiang Chongwu,Climbing the Cold Mountain (Plan drawing),Installation,Blocks of compressed car, black car paint, soft white sand, LED strobe lamp,1000×200×200cm,2009


蒋崇无,远上寒山 (效果图),装置,废弃汽车压块、黑色车漆、细致白沙、LED频闪灯,1000×200×200cm,2009

Jiang Chongwu,Climbing the Cold Mountain (Plan drawing),Installation,Blocks of compressed car, black car paint, soft white sand, LED strobe lamp,1000×200×200cm,2009


谭思考,极度悠闲系列:诞生,装置,玻璃钢,三轮车零件,烤漆,295 × 108 ×120 cm,2007

Laurens Tan,Dan Sheng: Ji Du You Xian (Birth: The Depth of Ease series),Installation,Fiberglass reinforced plastic, tricycle parts, baked enamel,295×108×120 cm,2007

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