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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-09-24 13:27:13 | 文章来源: 博宝艺术网

佩斯北京再度开幕,首次展览将推出张晓刚个展《史记》,全面展示艺术家2008-2009新作,包括钢板绘画、雕塑 和装置等作品,全部为首次亮相。



Period: September 26 —November 15,2009

展期:2009年9月26日- 11月15日

Venue: Pace Beijing


798 Art District, No.2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China






Zhang Xiaogang’s Solo Exhibition: The Records

September 26 —November 15,2009

Pace Beijing is reopening, and we are presenting Zhang Xiaogang’s Solo Exhibition: The Records. The show displays the artist’s all new artworks from 2008 to 2009, which include prints on steel plates, sculptures and installations.

Since his earlier works before the “Big Family” series, Zhang Xiaogang never ceased to examine the traces left by history in one’s soul and memory. In these new works, Zhang through employing some unique materials join together “landscape”, “object”, “self”, and scars, collective icons, as well as journal entries, which all carried historical and memorial meanings. He uses new artistic forms to further deepen the subject of “history and contemporary”. In other new works, Zhang creatively combines thoughts and form, continuing the tradition of writing poems on paintings.

The Records is Zhang’s continued exploration of his many recent series, and a collective exhibition of these artworks. It’s also another breakthrough for the artist in his creative style and descriptive method.

Venue: Pace Beijing(798 Art District, No.2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China)





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