《日常,佈景和道具》─ 陈维个展

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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-10-15 14:31:11 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

CHEN Wei Method of Slumber 2009 archival inkjet print 100×100cm


《日常,佈景和道具》─ 陈维个展


开幕酒会:2009年10月30日晚上6 - 8pm

展览地点:香港中环善庆街1号地下Gallery EXIT 安全口画廊

开放时间:星期一至六1100 -1900


Gallery EXIT 安全口画廊将举行陈维的首个香港个展《日常,佈景和道具》。 陈维的摄影作品洋溢丰富的电影感和鲜明色彩;他往往赋予寻常物件一种异常的生命力。当观众仔细看他的作品时,会发现所有的物件,甚至地上的污渍,都是经过深思熟虑的建构和重组,示意着一个不复存在的时空和地点。作品中的道具成为了独特符徵,意义和内涵留待受众去个别解读。回忆与现实相互交错影响,在观众心里留下的悬念,直到重返既熟悉又陌生的日常生活中,长久仍未消散。

陈维於(b.1980) 曾於杭州工作,现移居北京,过去六年里积极建立自己成为概念摄影师。作品曾在第叁届广州国际摄影双年展、北京今日美术馆、上海当代艺术馆、以及波兰、美国等国家展出。



Everyday scenery and props – CHEN Wei’s Solo Exhibition

October 30 – December 5, 2009

Opening reception: Friday, October 30, 6 – 8pm

Location: Gallery EXIT, G/F, 1 Shin Hing Street, Central, Hong Kong

Gallery opening hours: Mon - Sat, 1100 -1900

Website: www.galleryexit.com

Gallery EXIT is pleased to announce Everyday scenery and props, the first solo exhibition of Chen Wei with the gallery.

Chen’s cinematic touch and lush colors animate the ambience of the daily objects he chooses to photograph. On close viewing, it is discovered that everything, even the dirt on the floor, is a deliberate construction to suggest a time and place that no longer is. A few props serve as signifiers to a meaning that is waiting to be made. Memory and reality influence each other but the viewer is left in suspense until he makes up his mind and return to the everyday, which is always so familiar and foreign at the same time.

Over the past six years, CHEN Wei (b.1980) has established himself as a studious conceptual photographer working in Hangzhou and currently in Beijing. His work has been exhibited at the 3rd Guangzhou Photo Biennial, Today Art Museum (Beijing), MoCA Shanghai, Poland and USA.

Artist will be present at the opening reception.


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