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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-09-28 14:14:54 | 文章来源: 艺术中国



展览时间: 2009年10月10日- 10月20日

展览地点: 和艺术沙龙画廊

地址: 北京市798艺术区内中二街D03-4


电话:8610 59789924 86524590

Email: he@artohe.com

开放时间: 10:00-18:00(周一休息)

" Liu, Manhua Paintings Exhibition"

Dates: October 10 - October 20, 2009

Location: Hoo(或者Harmony) Salon and Art Gallery

Address: Room D03-4, Middle 2nd St., 798 Art District,Beijing 100015

Tel: 86-10-59789924, 86-10-86524590

Email: he@artohe.com

Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 (Closed on Monday)












Implication of Generality

By Tai Shuangyuan

Passion of Floating Life is an art exhibition held by an energetic male painter. Most of his subjects are naked women. Are these women metropolitan beauties or countrywomen? Do they belong to the past, the present or the future?—Yes or no? An important theme involved in Passion of Floating Life is original lust.

The painter presents to us two key words: floating life and original lust.

He is a painter who works every afternoon and is absorbed in painting. He used to publish some philosophical reading materials twenty years ago. He has been an editor for twenty-five full years.

Those women painted by him are neither fat and clumsy, nor slim and graceful. They are robust, vigorous, healthy and sexy.

Original lust is the instinctive passion and vitality.

Floating life is the whole process of the short destiny.

Never have there been any god or savior— everyone is the same at the level of human nature.

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