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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-07-30 18:00:48 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

秦思源个展: 我想要的就是你想要的


开幕酒会:2009年8月15日 下午 2 - 6 点

展览时间: 2009年8月15日 - 10月5日

北京艺门画廊诚邀您参加2009年8月15日(周六)下午2-6点的中/英国艺术家秦思源(Colin Chinnery)在北京艺门画廊举办的个展开幕式。








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“I Want What You Want” : Colin Chinnery solo exhibit

Pékin Fine Arts, Beijing, China

15 Aug – 5 Oct, 2009

Opening Reception for Chinese/British artist Colin Chinnery’s Solo Exhibit at Pékin Fine Arts: Aug 15, 2009, from 2 to 6 pm. ALL WELCOME!

Artist’s Statement:

Colin Chinnery’s project, “I Want What You Want” (2009) engages the formal language of exhibition construction. Each artwork within the show has its independent language and meaning, but the device of artwork repetition and placement will deliberately undermine that identity. By having several versions or copies of each artwork, and by placing them in formation to create a formal pattern, the exhibition emerges as a unified whole at the expense of each work. The exhibition becomes a large artwork that only has the lifespan of one showing. By exploring the formal languages of the individual artwork and the exhibition, this show can be understood either as an investigation of the nature of individual versus group identities, or as an exploration into whether new meaning can be created whilst attempting to escape it.


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