艾柯·努格罗荷个展: 阴影之下

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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-07-30 17:54:14 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

艾柯·努格罗荷个展: 阴影之下

展览地点:北京市朝阳区崔各庄乡草场地村241号 北京艺门画廊

开幕酒会:2009年8月15日 下午 2 - 6 点

展览时间: 2009年8月15日 - 10月5日


艾柯·努格罗荷/ 相信我/ 树脂,塑料花/ 2009

北京艺门画廊诚邀您参加2009年8月15日(周六)下午2-6点的印尼艺术家艾柯•努格罗荷(Eko Nugroho)在北京艺门画廊举办的个展开幕式。



艾柯•努格罗荷最近一些作品,以阴影为最重要的艺术表现元素之一,对其基本思想进行了探索,而本次展览就是对这些作品所作的一种概念延伸。自2008年底以来,艾柯•努格罗荷的创作进入了一个新领域,创作合作作品加入皮影戏的表演。 努格罗荷由此开始发现利用阴影概念来创造新视觉形象的许多崭新的可能性。








Tel: +8610 5127 3220

Fax: +8610 5127 3223

Email: fubi@pekinfinearts.com


“Under the Shadow”, Eko Nugroho’s solo exhibit

Pékin Fine Arts, Beijing, China

15 Aug – 5 Oct, 2009

Eko Nugroho/ Trust Me/ Resin, plastic flowers/ paint Human life size/ 2009

Opening Reception for Indonesian artist Nugroho’s Solo Exhibit at Pékin Fine Arts: Aug 15, 2009, from 2 to 6 pm. ALL WELCOME!

Artist’s Statement:

“Where there is much light, the shadow is deep” (Goethe, German Poet)

This exhibit continues as an extension of the concepts developed by Eko Nugroho’s in his latest series of works, focusing on the basic idea of shadows as one of the most important artistic elements. Since the end of 2008, Eko has entered a new territory in his creative process by creating collaborative works performed in a shadow puppet performance. From this perspective, Nugroho started to see many new possibilities to create a new visual imagery by working with the idea of “shadow”.

For much of his artistic career, Nugroho has been identified with his unique and genuinely comical figures as his aesthetic statement. The combination of the human body with something strange such as UFO, machines, animals, reveals his interest to talk about fantasy and something uncommon. He is also interested in exploring his local context from his background as an Indonesian, particularly from Yogyakarta, the city where he lives.

This shadow project enabled him to investigate objects in between the dark and the light, also real and unreal. “I am interested to see what is the importance of light cast on objects. By the light, we see something differently, so there is a visual illusion of the object. I like to play in the area between the darkness and the light. I explore the black color differently, not as a pure color, but as the existence of shadow.”


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