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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-06-24 15:02:34 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

池磊 CHILI 之《五星招待所》& 邓华+傅真之《琴棋书画》即将于7月11日在北京现在画廊隆重开幕

艺术家:池磊CHILI & 邓华+傅真



展览地点:北京市朝阳区崔各庄乡草场地村红一号院E座 北京现在画廊


Chi Lei CHILI—“Wu Xing Hotel” & Deng Hua+Fu Zhen--- “Qín Qí Shū Huà” will be open on July 11th in Beijing Art Now Gallery.

Artist: Chi Lei CHILI & Deng Hua + Fu Zhen

Reception: July 11 (Sat), 4:00pm—6:00pm

Duration: July 11 --- August 31, 2009

Venue: Building E, Red Yard No.1, Cao Chang Di, Cui Ge Zhuang, Chaoyang Dist., Beijing Beijing Art Now Gallery

Tel: 010-51273292

池磊在“五星招待所”的房间里导演了一场关于世间百态的社会情景剧,所有的场景出自艺术家的想象和模特的扮演,处于社会底层的芸芸众生相被池磊浓缩于一个固定的房间中,充满了怪诞的超现实气息,却又让人不得不承认这些就确确实实发生在我们的身边。 无论欢乐,悲伤,刺激还是放纵,人性在私密的空间中被无限放大,窥视别人的同时,也许我们也窥视到了自己。

Chi Lei has directed a melodrama which is a reflection of all kinds of social phenomenon in FIVE STARS MOTEL, and all the sceneries are designed by the artist, and acted by models out of their imagination. All kinds of characters living in the bottom part of the society have been enriched in one certain motel room, which is full of bizarre surreal atmosphere. However, we have to admit that all the phenomenon do exist around us. Joy, sorrow, stimulation, or indulgences have all been infinitely magnified in this private space. Whenever we are peeping on others, we are peeping on ourselves as well.


Deng Hua & Fu Zhen used Qin, Qi, Shu and Hua to be the name of the four works they have created lately, in addition to the antiques names, the style of the works also borrowed Chinese ancient culture to a certain extent. Of course, Deng Hua and Fu Zhen do not just want to pay their tribute to the Chinese tradition in terms of the forms; moreover, the spiritual connection between the ancient time and the modern time is more of the point. Deconstruction and re-explanation of the traditional culture have proved their deep thinking side; the philosophical part of their works has proved the sensitivity and sense of humor from the deliberate confrontation between different cultural forms.

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