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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-03-09 10:07:19 | 文章来源: 艺术中国



  艺术家:高岩松、洪绍裴、雷本本、李博、蜷川実花(Ninagawa Mika)、谭奇志、温凌、吴啸海、杨柳、郑维




  画廊日常开放时间:周一至周日 12点至18点

  北京现在画廊将于2009年3月14日举办“3.1415926…年轻艺术家十人展”,参展艺术家为:高岩松、洪绍裴、雷本本、李博、蜷川実花(Ninagawa Mika)、谭奇志、温凌、吴啸海、杨柳、郑维等。



  3.1415926…Ten Young Artists Group Exhibition

  Curator: Huang Liaoyuan

  Artists: Gao Yansong, Hong Shaopei, Lei Benben, Li Bo, Ninagawa Mika, Tan Qizhi, Wen Ling, Wu Xiaohai, Yang Liu, Zheng Wei

  Opening Date: 14 March 2009 15:00 – 18:00

  Duration: 14 March 2009 – 10 May 2009

  Location: Beijing Art Now Gallery [Beijing]

  Gallery Hours: Mon – Sun 12:00 – 18:00

  Beijing Art Now Gallery will hold “3.1415926…ten young artists group exhibition” in 14 March 2009, the artists are Gao Yansong, Hong Shaopei, Lei Benben, Li Bo, Ninagawa Mika, Tan Qizhi, Wen Ling, Wu Xiaohai, Yang Liu, Zheng Wei.

  This exhibition is in a large scale to express our young artists, the work include painting, photography, installation, comprehensive material, etc. In this era people’s eyes are more and more easily caught by the young generation artists. Now it seems not proper to give them a direction or conclusion, but what we can do is present them a comfortable environment, then they could show their energetic talents. We expect this exhibition may give art trend a hint of direction. This time the artists may not mature like the name of exhibition 3.1415926…, full of infinite uncertainly and also bring us a new hope.



  Building E, Red Yard No.1, Cao Chang Di, Cui Ge Zhuang, Chaoyang Dist.Post,Beijing ,China 100105

  office Box:100015-108

  北京市朝阳区崔各庄乡草场地红1号院E座 北京100015信箱108分箱


  T 0086-10-51273292 F 0086-10-51273291

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