2009 BCA夏季艺术市集

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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-06-12 14:02:30 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

2009 BCA夏季艺术市集

The mARkeT/ summer 2009


In the Making

2009.7. 4 (SAT) – 7.12 (SUN)



网络时代,信息共享,地球扁平化,分工细密化、行销无处不在...... 但艺术并未沦为流水线上的“产品”,艺术家也并非制造业的点子大师。无论是运用画笔、刻刀,还是相机、电脑,好的艺术仍然离不开“手”,离不开对工具、材料、技艺的熟悉和掌握程度……



Artists are not craftsmen, but the first craftsman is an artist. Historically, the craftsman created artificial representations by changing the positions and forms of materials, enlightening the obscured and contributing to the development of art. Traditionally speaking, a good artist should first be an outstanding craftsman with excellent skills “on hand” with the ability to link their mind to the process of creation.

We are living in an internet age: the earth becomes smaller as information is shared globally, work division is increasingly specialized, and marketing floods everything. However, art has neither become a streamlined product, nor have artists become creative masters working for the manufacturing industry. Regardless if made with pencil, brush, engraver, or camera and computer, great artwork still requires practical skills with a high-level of familiarity and expertise in tools, materials, and technology.

The demands of vitalizing art and regaining its glory are especially urgent as contemporary art seems to be wearing the “emperor’s new clothes”. An artist with well-grounded production skills is a necessary practitioner of art. “In the Making” is dedicated to searching the basis of art and art creation—as we believe that artists should not be slaves of form, material and concept—as well as to re-establishing the authenticity of art, allowing for the behavioral independence and intellectual freedom of individuals in the context of the contemporary.

“In the Making” encourages artists to be involved in the practice of creating exquisite handmade artworks. Those who have high aspirations but low abilities are not accepted. To paraphrase an old Chinese saying, “there’s no secret to success, but only the experience acquired from hundreds of practices.” We sincerely hope our visitors will find their favorite artworks at the mARkeT.


"BCA艺术市集"(The mARkeT) 简介:

"BCA艺术市集"(The mARkeT)是天安时间当代艺术中心为青年艺术家提供的开放式、自助式平台。它鼓励艺术家自主策划活动,自由实施艺术想法,自主决定展示方式,自主参与市场行为,自己与观众进行对话……




About “The mARkeT”

Beijing Center for the Arts, proudly presents “The mARkeT", an event showcasing young, national and international artists to the world. "The mARkeT" encourages participating artists to make their own decisions of how and what to show, integrating the artists into the curatorial program, while pushing artists to the frontline of the art market by having face-to-face dialogues with the public.

By integrating the exhibition, art fair and special event, "The mARkeT" offers young artists a professional platform to exhibit works, exchange ideas, and to receive valuable reviews by having their works published and collected by the public. Furthermore, it will give the viewer a fresh global perspective on a new generation of artists. With its pursuit of liberty, openness, independence, and an academic standard that constitutes the essence of the BCA concept, "The mARkeT" is dedicated to: a) explore talented young artists by fostering artistic originality, creativity and critical thinking and b) instigate positive interaction between youth and the public, so as to effectively influence the sound development of contemporary art.

“The mARkeT" attempts to be a mentally audacious, self-independent, and creative opportunity for both artist and viewer.


For more information, Please contact:

叶东旭/ Dongxu Ye

T: 86 10 65598008

F: 86 10 65599260




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