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艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-04-02 10:12:39 | 文章来源: 今日艺术


  隐喻的符号Metaphorical Signs
  Duration: 6th April–3th May
  Venue: 4th floor exhibition hall of building No. 1

  来自挪威奥斯陆国立美术学院的Ole Lislerud教授以其大型空间建筑及公共艺术作品闻名于欧美及东亚。在此次展览当中,他使用陶瓷这一古老载体,将丝网印刷及绘画等其他当代材料运用其上,通过当今消费社会当中的各种符号(股票,金钱,媒体,图片等),探讨当代人的“身份”及“状态”。

  Professor Ole Lislerud, from Oslo National Academy of the Arts in Norway, is well-known for his large scale architectural project and public art in Europe, America and East Asia. In this exhibition, he questions the “identity” and “state” of people in now days through different signs of our consumer society (stocks, money, medias, photos, etc), by applying silkscreen and painting on porcelain panels-the archaic support.


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