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艺术中国 | 时间: 2014-02-25 08:59:20 | 文章来源: 艺术中国



Ecole du Magasin, Grenoble, France

International Curatorial Training Program

法国勒马加赞学院 国际策展培训项目


维罗妮卡·瓦伦蒂尼Veronica Valentini


伊夫·奥佩提塔洛Yves Aupetitallot




作为欧洲的第一个国际策展学习项目,本项目的建立是为了在研究和实践的严密结合下提供专业的氛围。这里的重点在于,如何将不同的领域实践和策略陈述放在一个作为开放平台的“展览”之上。 鼓励各种不同的策展方式,这种策展方式不仅包括采取何种方式呈现展览,也包括如何将表达和呈现“美学”的概念,如何将新兴的互联网


As the first international curatorial studies program in Europe, it was set up to provide a professional environment for a rigorous combination of research and practice. Emphasis is placed on the exhibition as an open platform in which

different fields or strategies of representation can be drawn on. The Ecole

encourages various curatorial approaches that include not only how a project takes form but also how aesthetics can be combined with the aim of providing

information; how to take into account and integrate newly developed network cultures and technology; how a curatorial project can be understood in a given context; and, finally, how it can express the specific curatorial working-group process which is central to the Ecole philosophy.











Stage 1 / October-December

During the first stage of the program, participants are invited to establish a framework of shared interests and a collective working method. This allows them to affirm a unique identity and to define specific issues that are raised during the program as a whole. The Session Advisor assists them in organizing monthly seminars, which include lectures, presentations, group or one-to-one discussions and online working sessions. Participants are also encouraged to organise screenings, readings, and presentations of material that they consider relevant for the elaboration of the project proposal.

Within the framework of research, the process and the final product are not considered mutually exclusive. The research material is therefore not simply a means to an end, but should be understood as an integral part of the curatorial project. Beginning with the first stage of the program, participants are thus encouraged to reflect on the way in which archiving, editing and presenting the research material can assist in the understanding of each session’s working process and project.

During the first stage, participants are also required to develop an online project that operates during the period leading up to the production of the project. As the session’s first sign of production, this blog or website is intended to present the collaborative working process and the group’s research as they lead up to the curatorial project.

Stage 1 concludes with an evaluation of the session’s project proposal in mid-December. Evaluation focuses primarily on the project’s relevance and the session’s working method.

Stage 2 / January-July

The second stage focuses on the production of the project. During a five-month period, session participants define the means of the project’s materialization and presentation, select the contributors, seek potential institutional or commercial partners, edit a press release and public relations material and monitor the budget.

In any process leading up to the final curatorial project, time (in conjunction with the overall economy of means) is an important and difficult factor to contend with. In this respect, the role of the Ecole is important as a partner in consulting with the session participants and overseeing the pedagogical framework.

The second stage also includes archiving the working materials used during the session in the elaboration of the project, as well as producing any post-production requirements, depending on the nature of the project. The second stage ends in June with an assessment of the year’s activities.

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