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尤仑斯当代艺术中心 艺术日历

艺术中国 | 时间: 2010-02-02 19:00:42 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

2月4日、11日 19:00




February 4&11, 19:00

Contemporary Arabic Videos Screening: Within the Region

Auditorium / English subtitle

The Arabic world is perhaps experiencing the most complex and radical conflicts on Earth –between different religions and ethnicities, between traditions and the intrusion of western culture – on both individual and national levels. Contemporary Arabic artists constantly consider the way these issues are projected into people' s private lives.


青少节目 Kids&Youth


2月6日 14:00-16:00


UCCA /中文活动

打灯笼—手工 / 节日彩妆—化妆表演


February 6, 14:00-16:00

Serie Children Workshop: Greetings for Spring Festival!

UCCA / In Chinese Only

Lantern Making-Handicraft / Costumes and Performance

The Chinese peoples’ most important and most convivial celebration is the Spring Festival.In preparation for this event, UCCA has designed a playful workshop with a traditional Chinese touch, bringing the magic of the Spring Festival to kids.


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