展览 Exhibition
“中坚:新世纪中国艺术的八个关键形象”大型展览是尤伦斯当代艺术中心继“85新潮:中国第一次当代艺术运动”、“占卜者之屋:黄永砯回顾展”、“我们的未来:尤伦斯基金会收藏展”、“邱志杰:破冰——南京长江大桥计划之三”、“严培明:童年的风景”等重要展览之后,又一个致力于推动中国艺术的大型展览,彰显了尤伦斯当代艺术中心长期支持和推动中国当代艺术发展的决心。 UCCA
Breaking Forecast: 8 Key Figures of China's New Generation Artistsis a groundbreaking exhibition presenting new and recent works by the most compelling emerging and mid-career artists working throughout China today: Cao Fei, Chu Yun, Liu Wei, MadeIn, Qiu Zhijie, Sun Yuan &Peng Yu, Yang Fudong and Zheng Guogu.
艺术影院 Art Cinematheque
报告厅 /中英文字幕
January 16 - 23
Auditorium / Chinese&Englishsubtitle
UCCA's retrospective of the French screenwriter, director, and actor Jacques Tati (1907–1982) presents six feature films and three rarely screened shorts. As one of cinema's greatest comedians, Tati created Monsieur Hulot, a French bohemian uncle who was often trapped in modern life.
1月28日、31日 19:00
January 28 &31, 19:00
This month, UCCA presents German modern dance choreographer Pina Bausch's two piece of works. Unlike Café Mullerwhich was screened early this month, The Complaint of an Empressis the one and only film directed by Pina Bausch which presents and explores love in a fragmental and chaotic way.