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[专稿] 悬幻时空——高増礼

艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-10-30 13:34:47 | 文章来源: 艺术中国


  Oil paintings of Gao Zengli





  欢迎莅临 开幕酒会




  November 5th – 28th, 2008

  Art Beatus Gallery

  35-39 Graham Street, G/F, Central, Hong Kong

  Please come & meet the artist

  on November 5th (Wed.) 2008, from 6-8pm




  高増礼 说:「我喜欢黒暗的氛围,用黒色和灰色进行阐释,黒白色彩的搭配折射出历史的追忆,因为我希望在黑暗中寻找阳光。」他把自己悬于艺术创作的边缘境界中,认为艺术创作如果完全投进了现时的主流趋势,则会丧失其纯粹性和独立性;他认为游走于边缘是一种危险的选择,但却使艺术成为艺术;因此,他情愿选择留在「灰色地带」,让自己处身于悬幻时空间。

  For enquiry, please e-mail us at dyiu@artbeatus.com.hk or call 2522-1138 / 2526-0818

  Gallery hours: Mon.-Sat. 11:30am to 7:30pm, close on Sundays & public holiday

  画廊开放时间:星期一至六 11:30am-7:30pm 星期日及公众假期休息


  The paintings of Gao Zengli are fragments of his memories reconstructed. They are illusory imageries suspended in his mind. What, visually, appear like portraits of some famous personalities such as the last Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Pu-yi, and Chairman Mao are, in fact, mere symbols employed by Gao for his artistic expression.

  Born in Lanzhou, Gansu Province in 1964, Gao finished his art training in the Shandong Academy of Fine Art and later in the National Academy of fine Art in Paris, France. In recent years, he splits his time working between Paris and Beijing. The dissimilarity of the life-style of these two cities has coerced him to put in proper prospective the question of identity as well as deepening his appreciation of the Chinese culture.

  Gao loves to deploy his art from a historical standpoint, as the figures whom he has used in his works usually bring with them specific values, experiences, sentiments as well as contrasting feelings. Using characters such as Pu-yi, Mao and Deng Xiaoping as his symbols, Gao hopes to tap into the reservoir of emotions embedded in the modern history of China.

  “I like the environs of darkness and express myself in black and grey colours. The grey scale between black and white is useful in reflecting memories of the past as I strive to discover sunshine amidst darkness,” he commented.


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