“89 Promenade Des Arts Gallery” new art exhibition : “89 艺术漫步画廊” 的新的展览:
Time展览时间: 十二月一日 至 十二月三十一日 二OO七年 营业时间为每周三、 周五、周六、周日的 下午3点到9点。其他时间预约开放。
From the 1st to the 30th of DECEMBER 2007. Open every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday from 3pm to 9pm, or daily by appointment.
VVdM shows his EXCLUSIVE apartment as a unique work of art ! – VVdM工作室本身即为一件独具风格的艺术品!

Exhibition Theme展览主题: Amazing Chairs from HAILLARD Celebre art furniture designer with unique luxurious baroque and exotic style collected by the most famous private collectors in the world … Haillard brings the design and the baroque ideas together with astonishing mastery of inspiration. Haillard combines the naturalness of his raw materials, horns or teeth of various origins, leopard, crocodile and zebra skins having already delighted several generations of hunters, with an unfettered imagination and an obvious nostalgia for pomp and irony. «89 Promenade Des Arts » -France/Beijing- is the LEADING ART GALLERY in China that specializes in the GREAT contemporary and modern EUROPEAN MASTERS such as Dali, Miro, Picasso, and Arman. Founder and connoisseur Valéry Vauban-de-Montaudon (VVdM) offers top-quality creations in his PRESTIGIOUS COLLECTION of original etchings, sculptures, paintings, rugs, ceramics, and more!
« 89艺术 漫步 画廊 » ——法国/北京——是首家专业收藏诸如达利、比加索、米罗、阿曼等欧洲现、当代艺术大师珍选的艺术画廊。画廊提供多种享有盛誉的收藏品,包括原创版画、雕塑、油画、地毯艺术品、陶瓷等. 画廊由艺术鉴赏家VVdM(郭飞龙) 创建,他将独到、新颖的艺术画廊概念引入北京,并随时为您提供专业、个性化的服务。
Paintings Works on paper ~ drawings, etchings, etc. Sculptures Lifestyle ~ ceramics, rugs, furnitures, etc.
油画 纸上艺术 ~ 原作版画,绘画等 雕塑 家居艺术 ~ 瓷器,地毯,家具等
Address展览地址: 北京朝阳区,西大望路甲3号,蓝堡国际公寓北区,D座1010室,100026。(停车地下) Room 1010 Building D, LanBaoGongYu (North Blue Castle), No.3 XiDaWangLu, ChaoYang District, BeiJing 100026, China. (Underground parking) 联系电话 Tel:13141059246 or 010-85999974 联系EMAIL:pda@89-gallery.com 参观网站 Website www.89-gallery.com
"89 Promenade Des Arts Gallery" Valéry Vauban-de-Montaudon www.89-gallery.com