Wang Lifeng / Great Ming Series No. 1 / 大明系列之一 2006,mixed media on canvas / 布面混合材料, 64 x 260 cm
电话 6525 1005 传真 6432 2624
电子邮件 redgategallery@aer.net.cn 网址 www.redgategallery.com
The Great Ming Dynasty
Wang Lifeng
Preview Date Saturday, September 1, 3 - 5 pm
Exhibition Dates September 1 - 23, 2007
Gallery Hours
10 am - 5 pm daily
Dongbianmen Watchtower, Chongwen District, Beijing
Tel 6525 1005 Fax 6432 2624
E-mail redgategallery@aer.net.cn Website www.redgategallery.com
红门画廊将于2007年9月1日至23日在东便门角楼展出王利丰的最新作品 – 大明。参展作品展示了艺术家运用全新及创新的手法与技术,展示其作品与中国传统视觉表达手法的联系,和艺术家找寻在当代艺术作品自我表现上的无穷的想象力。

Wang Lifeng / Great Ming Series No. 3 / 大明系列之三 2006,mixed media on canvas / 布面混合材料, 120 x 200 cm

Wang Lifeng / Great Ming Series No. 4 / 大明系列之四 2007,mixed media on canvas / 布面混合材料, 200 x 240 cm
Dongbianmen Watchtower
Chongwenmen, Beijing
People’s Republic of China
Telephone: +86 (0)10 6525 1005
Fax: +86 (0)10 6432 2624
Contact Tally Beck, Manager
798 / Red Gate Gallery
E-mail redgate798@aer.net.cn
Telephone +86 (0)10 6438 1005
Mobile +86 135 2265 2053
or Wang Jun (Chinese media inquiries)
Telephone +86 (0)10 6432 2624
Red Gate Presents Wang Lifeng’s Latest Work in Groundbreaking, New Medium
BEIJING August 7, 2007 – Artist Wang Lifeng will exhibit his new show, The Great Ming Dynasty, at Red Gate Gallery’s Watchtower location from September 1 - 29, 2007. His latest work debuts his new, innovative medium that both demonstrates his connection to traditional Chinese visual expression as well as his boundless imagination in searching for new vehicles for contemporary self-expression.
Wang Lifeng has added new dimension and sensory ambiance to his Great Ming Dynasty series by incorporating mò (墨), or Chinese ink, in solid form, imbuing his mixed media pieces with a mysterious, sculptural quality. Wang makes the ink himself; in a laborious process, he blends the traditional ingredients: lampblack, gelatine and cloves. He then casts the pungent mixture into moulds, combining this medium with bronze. The ink solidifies to produce high-reliefs of his imagined Ming Dynasty furnishings. The resulting creations extend into the viewers’ space, and the unique scent of the ink is palpable.
Wang Lifeng has worked with Red Gate for over 16 years and has a stylistic trajectory all his own. Eschewing Pop Art derivatives, he has successfully translated his personal, fragmented impressions of classical Chinese visual expression into his signature Post-Modern idiom. |