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艺术中国 | 时间: 2007-06-19 13:22:18 | 文章来源: 美术同盟



        敬邀艺术家提交作品图片参加2007年9月在上海艺术景展出的“全球变暖”展览。这将是在中国举办的第一届此类活动。这将会是一个从中国艺术界发出的向社会各界呼吁关注这一日渐严重的问题并且防范环境危机到来的展览。与主题相关的作品将有可能被采用。可以包括的题材有:工厂,与加热或制冷有关的机器或装置,燃料资源,自然,人类对自然的破坏,污染,家畜,破坏大气层的原因,洪水及其他有可能相关的题材。如果您的作品表达了对环境问题的敏感或是对我们的星球遭到破坏的关注,请考虑申请加入我们的展览。所有媒介的作品都可以参加——绘画,摄影,雕塑,综合材料以及装置等。我们将选择15名艺术家参加此次群展,如需获得信息或了解如何参加,请访问我们的网站 www.QuanQiuBianNuan.com 或致电 021 6433 8403 朱倩。











Global Warming "Warning" Exhibition



Artists are invited to submit images of their work to participate in the “Global Warming Awareness Exhibition” to be held at Art Scene China in Shanghai in September 2007. This exhibition will be the first of its kind in China; it will be a call from the Chinese art community to the community at large to be aware of this growing problem and to try to take action towards preventing a global catastrophe. Artwork related to this topic will be considered for the exhibition. Work relating to the topic can include such things as: factories, things relating to heat and freezing, nature, the destruction of nature, pollution, livestock, things that destroy the atmosphere, flood-related work, and many other things, etc. If your work expresses sensitivity to the well-being of the environment or a concern for the demise of our planet, please consider applying for this exhibition. All media will be considered – including painting, photography, sculptures, mixed media and installations. 15 artists will be selected for this group exhibition. For information how to join, please see the website: www.QuanQiuBianNuan.com or call Ms Zhu at: 6433-8403.



Global warming is a global problem. While the United States is by far the greatest emitter of carbon dioxide (the United States emits more carbon dioxide than China, India and Japan combined), people of the world need to unite in their efforts to take whatever action they can to prevent the destruction of our ecosystem. China and India are the fastest growing emitters of carbon dioxide, and while their economic growth is certainly important, the safety of the world should be a priority for everyone. Every individual and every government should take responsibility for global warming and should try to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to help everyone and all the animals on our planet.

Human carelessness towards the planet is largely due to a lack of awareness and so we hope to elicit concern and compassion for the world by hosting the first exhibition calling for Global Warming Awareness and Prevention.


Somethings you can doto help alleviate global warming:

1) Save energy: factories that produce electricity also produce carbon dioxide. Be conscious and try to use as little electricity as possible. Turn off lights whenever possible. Turn off your computer, your fax machine, your tv, your dvd player when not using them. Use energy saving light bulbs. Don’t keep your refrigerator open for long. Buy more energy efficient products and appliances, most have energy-usage ratings on them. In winter, wear a pullover or thermal underwear at home and turn down the temperature of your heating. In summer, only turn on the air conditioning when you really need it and where possible, turn it off in rooms that are not in use. Do not have air conditioners set so that rooms are cooler than they need to be. Insulate your home and seal up drafts, to prevent heating/cooling from escaping.

2) Recycle and buy products that are recyclable. No Styrofoam. Suggest to your apartment management to have recycling bins. You can also do this at the office. Buy products that are packaged in recyclable or biodegradable material. Reuse: In particular plastic containers and shopping bags. Plastic bags hurt the environment. You can buy a ‘bag for life’ to put your shopping in so that you don’t have to use shopping bags at all.

3) Vehicles pollute. Waste less with transportation. Try to use mass public transportation whenever possible, such as the subway or public bus. Or even better, ride a bicycle or walk. If you must drive or take a taxi, try to car-pool. And make sure that your car tires are filled the optimum amount; slightly flat tired waste lots of fossil fuels, which pollutes the environment you’re your car, use fuel that has a low carbon emission.

4) A meat-based diet requires seven times more land than a plant-based diet. Livestock production is responsible for more climate change gasses than all the motor vehicles in the world. Try minimizing the amount of meat that you eat. Or even 'go vegetarian' at least once a week. It is easy and most delicious in China.(责编:裴刚)



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