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艺术中国 | 时间: 2010-09-02 19:05:00 | 文章来源: 艺术中国






展览日期:010年9月18日- 2010年10月12日












在《当代艺术与投资》的编辑理念中,我们试图说明,这本杂志展示的是作为‘现在时’的实验性的、跨界性的当代艺术生产。我们的理解,杂志应该努力挣脱传统所赋予它的定义,使它的“本质”游离而成为一个开放性的能动主体。也就是说,它不仅仅是一本冷冰冰的仅供人翻检的纸媒体,而应该是一种通过展览、活动、出版,以及建立在其上的各种可能的建构。因此,我们不妨把“工作坊”的展览实践称为 “杂志-策展实践”。

2009年12月至2010年1月,《当代艺术与投资》联合伊比利亚当代艺术中心共同组织、策划的“工作坊:艺术家是如何工作的”的专题展览第一次成功践行了“杂志-策展实践”的理念。2010年9月18日开幕的“工作坊:传播的图与转译的像” 展览基于2010年“工作坊”(Project)栏目的研究工作,是对“工作坊”(Project)栏目纸本研究工作的延伸与响应,着重于研究和分析在艺术家创作与展览、活动、出版,及其他可能性传播媒介之间发生关系时作品的观念与物质形态所发生的微妙转译:作品与传播中的作品。


Exhibition: Work in Spreading: Images of Circulation and Retranslation

Artists: Chen Wei, Chen Xiaoyun, Tsui Kuang-Yu, Fang Lu, Silas Fong, Gua Zi, He An, Hu Xiangqian, Jiao Xingtao, Kong Lingnan, Liu Qingyuan, Qin Qi, Qiu Xiaofei, Sun Xun, Weng Yunpeng, Xu Qu, Yan Bing, Yang Xinguang

Curators: Sun Jianchun, Xu Chongbao

Opening: 18th September 2010, 4pm

Dates: 18th September 2010 –12th October 2010

Venue: Iberia Center for Contemporary Art

E06, 798 Art Zone, no.4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Producers: Gao Ping, Qiu Chenfeng

Director: Xia Jifeng

Art Director: Zuo Jing

Chief Editor of Art & Investment and Contemporary Art & Investment: Dong Bingfeng

Presented by:

International Art & Culture Foundation of Spain


Co-organized by:

Iberia Center for Contemporary Art

Exhibition Introduction:

“Project”, the central column of Contemporary Art & Investment ever since its first publication in January 2007, is dedicated to introducing to readers the emerging artists’ work through the presentation of their artistic intentions and creation. It aims at exploring, investigating and showcasing the most experimental and talented Chinese artists of the younger generation. Nearly three years on, “Project” has featured 37 artists /teams across mainland China, Taiwan and overseas.

The editing work for “Project” seeks to give a clean-cut presentation of the core dimensions of the artist’s work, namely, to unveil the factors making on-going experiments and concept-centered thinking possible, and furthermore to dissect the process of artistic creation. The concept of the column has been evolving from “the birth of a new work” in 2007 to “a holistic study of artist’s work”.

As the mission of the magazine, we tend to present to our readers contemporary art in an experimental and interdisciplinary way. It is our aspiration to create a magazine free from conventional definitions, so that the essence of the magazine can develop to an active and open independent voice. It is not only a cold, passive paper medium, but a framework based on which exhibitions, activities, publishing, and many other options could be opened up. We could call this exhibition a “Magazine –Exhibition practice”.

From December 2009 to January 2010, the exhibition “Work in Progress: How Do Artists Work?” initiated by CONTEMPORARY ART & INVESTMENT and Iberia Center for Contemporary Art was the first exhibition that successfully implemented the “Magazine – Curating practice” concept. The exhibition “Work in Spreading: Images of Circulation and Retranslation” which will be launched on September 18th 2010 is based on the studies done by the column “project” in 2010. It focuses on the relationship between the concept of the work and its physical form when the art work is being exhibited or published. That is: work and work in spreading.

ICCA Enquiries & Guided Tour Reservation

T + 86 10 5978 9530 / 5978 9531 F+86 10 5978 9537 info@iberiart.org www.iberiart.org

Opening Hours: Tuesday—Sunday 10:00–18:00, closed on Mondays


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