都市实践 土楼公舍
Duration: April 28th- May 14th, 2010
Venue: 2nd floor exhibition hall of Building No.1
“设计的立场──来自中荷建筑、服装、书籍与产品设计的八种态度”由今日美术馆、荷兰建筑学会 (NAI) 荷兰设计、时装与建筑设计协会(DutchDFA) 共同举办。
‘Taking a Stance- 8 Critical attitudesin Chinese and Dutch architecture and design”. It is a joint exhibit by the Today Art Museum, the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi), and the Dutch Design, Fashion and Architecture Programme (DDFA).
This exhibition compiles cutting-edge work of eight different Dutch and Chinese front line designers in architecture, plan design, fashion, and product design since 1990.
In these selected fields, even though there are differences in visual style, format, use of words, history, production cycle and context, one will not be surprised to find commonalities, among the designers, in the way they execute concepts to the modes of working. They systematically explore the boundaries of issues of their concern and strive for innovation.
Thereby the chosen designers position themselves in multiple fields of tension, including those between mass production and traditional craft techniques, between work on commission and the pursuit of a personal agenda, between tradition and innovation, market demands versus the needs of users, large-scale planning and the human scale, and the effects of globalisation versus the call for distinctive identity.