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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-10-10 11:09:31 | 文章来源: 艺术中国


Sabine Kacunko——旱海



开幕时间:2009.10.11 4pm



站台中国将于10月11日推出德国艺术家Sabine Kacunko的交互式媒介项目 - 旱海,此次展览仅维持一天,欢迎您届时参加。

项目背景: 对交互式媒介表现的“旱海”概念是BOOTSCHAFT的全球性多媒体项目,集中注意于公开对象或公共场所的特别文化或生态学的重要性。

用交互式媒介表现“旱海”概念的首要任务是以回应创造经济增长和环境可持续发展的21世纪的挑战。 在全球许多国家,人们目击了一部分由人为造成沙漠化的过程。

“旱海”的焦点|交互式媒介表现: “旱海”使用一个摄影显微镜作为交互式媒介设施的参考资料来源,沙漠的图象数据将被显示在交互式的室内设施上,沙漠的风景片段被输入了一个城市环境。沙漠古色的微观世界数字图象将被生成在展厅的墙壁上。当第一个观众来到,画廊墙壁的表面上可见古黄色沙漠的图像,当越来越多的观众进入这个房子,越来越多的片断将蔓延在屏幕上,然后不断的退化直到图像完全消失。

装置和交互媒介表现了健康的生态和经济发展之间的平衡关系,媒介表现了象征性地移植“中国的绿色墙壁的消失”,从农村到城市的环境变化,表明成功和失败的条件取决于那些与环境有意识互动的人的活动。沙漠荒芜的不断扩大, 观众的参与在这个过程中起到了很大作用。不禁让我们意识到,当我们在伤害自然的同时,自然也会伤害我们。

Sabine Kacunko

Dry Sea

Interactive media performance

Curator: Yuan Shun

Opening Date:2009.10.11 4pm

Venue:Platform China Contemporary Art Institute Space B

Platform China Contemporary Art Institute is pleased to hold Sabine Kacunko interactive media performance – Dry Sea.

Artist Sabine Kacunko took the poetic Chinese name for Ghobi desert “han-hai” (“Dry Sea”), as title for her new work which she specially developed for Platform China in Beijing. In her multilayer spatial installation the artist touches central sociopolitial and environmental questions and leads directly into existential considerations about the relationship between humans and nature which today is characterized by an increasing tension.

For “Dry Sea” Sabine Kacunko, in cooperation with international scientists, created image files of experimental desert varnish production attempts using a microscope. These image files are the source material for the interactive spatial installation “Dry Sea”. The microcosm of desert varnish is rear-projected on a screen whose proportions in the exhibition space remind of a wall. In the beginning of the performance of “Dry Sea” the greyish desert varnish is visible as “all-over” on the screen. A camera records all visitors as long as they move behind the projection wall. This information is forwarded to a computer on which the images of the desert varnish are saved. The image files are controlled by a software which was specially developed for this installation. The more people enter the room, the more fragemented the image on the screen gets, the patina regresses, until it, resp. its image, has completely disappeared. The references and thought-provoking impulses the work provides reflect the sensitive ecological and economic balance which holds the world we live in and which is to maintain resp. to rebuild. With her visually impressive interactive installation “Dry Sea” Sabine Kacunko does not only visualize the mystic beauty of natural processes but also the efficacy of human actions.

Sabine Kacunko (born in Kassel, Germany, lives and works in Berlin) has been focussing on the complex relationship between human and nature for a long time now. Her photographs of plants, minerals and animals are created exclusively with natural light and in black-white. Seemingly familiar things unfold an unexpected power and provide space for numerous associations which are subtly guided by the artist’s attempt to fathom the world and our relation to it. Since 2005, Sabine Kacunko has been pursuiting the multimedia-based global project BOOTSCHAFT in public spaces. By using complex artistic set-ups BOOTSCHAFT draws attention to objects with a special cultural and ecological background and thus to essential sociopolitical and environmental contexts. For more information please see www.sabinekacunko.de.

(text by Barbara J. Scheuermann)

Desert varnish is a product of rock weathering or biopitting and functions like a multilayered finely interwoven carpet of microscopic scale. The protective pigments of desert organisms absorb solar radiation in a different way from pure rock and thus help to equilibrate the albedo and hereby stabilise climatic conditions. If it were possible to artificially initiate the biofilm growth of desert varnish one could possibly counteract desertification to some extent.

The project is supported by the mayor of Berlin, chancellery of the Berlin senate, cultural affairs. Freie Universität, Berlin, Charité Berlin. Nikon Germany, Panasonic Germany.

The exhibition is accompanied by a lecture by Sabine Kacunko and Barbara J. Scheuermann (independent curator, Berlin) at The Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Beijing, Huajiadi Nanjiestr. 8, Chaoyang District, 100102 Beijing VR China, on October 12th 2009, 6:30pm.


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