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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-04-16 14:30:16 | 文章来源: 艺术中国


    Exhibition name: Human Nature – Solo Exhibition of Ding Li


    Exhibition planner: Wu Shu


    Artist: Ding Li


    Opening banquet: 3 p.m., April 24, 2009


    Exhibition date: April 22, 2009 – May 1, 2009


    Exhibition address: 580 Ouyang Road, Shanghai


    Organizing unit: Zhu Qizhan Art Museum


    Tel.: 021-56710741



    The foundation of the modernity of art lies in its subjectivity; in a certain sense, the current artistic creation has, to a considerable degree, neglected the awareness and contemplation of subject right, while overly emphasizing the sociality and the undue practical significance. The insufficient recognition of subject right results in the narrow construction of subjectivity, allowing no space for anything else that’s important in art. This exhibition is the unique personal perception and outstanding presentation of art by young artist Ding Li, whose works focus more on the favorable cognition of the self and are cordial, subtle, and natural.


    This is the first solo exhibition of Ding Li upon his return to home from his study at L’ecole des Beaux-Arts in France. As one of the new-generation artists that have studied in France, Ding Li’s artistic works now give more attention to some issues related to painting itself: the skills of painting, the creation of the atmosphere, etc. You will be touched by the fun and sentiment reflected in his paintings even at the first sight of his works. Ding Li is good at creating some setting-like camera scenes: a broad background, dotted with some men and objects as the subjects, mirroring the inner feelings of the artist. The subjects seem to be independent from and unrelated to each other, like the artist’s memory segments. The large area of grey tone to create a background that covers the whole painting and the thin color with an intense vividness of water-color paintings brings the paintings to life; the use of small-area color as flamboyant as fluorescence in the creation of the subject gives the paintings a fable touch; both implements and sets against the other perfectly well. Each implements and sets against the other with perfection. Truthful randomness and natural grace! These artistic works give you an unparalleled enjoyment.


    We hope that, through such a vivid and vigorous exhibition, the audience will be able to realize that art, as a brand-new life attitude and method, is walking right towards us!

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