smooth life, 2008, 121cm X 210cm
二OO九年 五月八日 至 廿七日
黑玉祺 一九五三年生于法国 Saint Cere。在当全职画家前,他是一位专工贫困儿童及家庭的社会工作者,至一九九四年才正式转职。他在第一份工作的所见所闻,具体地丰富了他的艺术创作。
为这次“法国五月”的“东游记”展览,他特别画了二十张作品,大部份油画都以“香港”命名,但看起来内容与香港没有多大的关连,都是他在越南、日本及中国的 “东游记”的印象,特别是在广州,因为在两年前,他曾在那里呆过一段时间。
黑玉祺 说他的画并不抽象,有部份人可能会有这样的感觉;其实他的画充满了图像及信息,包括很多微细的地方,很多人物及很多不同表情的面孔。如观众细看每张画,内容实在异常丰富。
精艺轩画 廊位于中环嘉咸街卅五号地铺(近荷李活道与摆花街交界)。
如欲访问艺术家或查询展览的详情可电邮或致电 2522.1138向Dominic Chan 或2526.0818向Josephine Hau 查询。
画廊开放时间:星期一至六 11:30am-7:30pm 星期日及公众假期休息。
In thy solitude, 110cm x 180cm, 2008
Notes of Eastern Dreams - Paintings by Gilles Rieu
May 8th to 27th, 2009
Art Beatus Gallery
35-39 Graham Street, Ground Floor, Central, Hong Kong
The artist will attend the opening reception
between 6 to 8pm on May 8th (Friday), 2009
Born in Saint Cere, France in 1953, Gilles Rieu, worked 20 years as a social worker with destitute children and adults before starting his career as a full time artist in 1994. Experiences and imageries from his first career definitely have helped in enriching his career as an artist.
Rieu travelled a lot and his exhibitions cover different parts of France, Athens in Greece, Quebec City and Montreal in Canada, Jerusalem in Israel, New York and San Francisco in the U.S.A., Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, Kyoto in Japan and Guangzhou in China. Encounters in his travels to these various cities have all ended up in his paintings.
For this French May exhibition, Notes of Eastern Dreams, Rieu especially did 20 canvases. He named the main part of the exhibits – Hong Kong, yet the paintings bear no obvious visual resemblance. They were notes of his dreams and experiences out east in Vietnam, Japan and China, especially those from Guangzhou where he stayed for a short duration two years ago.
Rieu once defended that his works were not abstract though some people might view them that way. His paintings, in fact, are full of imageries and messages, lots of details, lots of figures and lots of faces in different expressions. When they are studied carefully, the contents are abundant in all sorts of imageries.
Art Beatus Gallery is located on the ground floor of 35-39 Graham Street, Central, near the junction with Hollywood Road and Lyndhurst Terrace (SOHO Area).
For further information about this exhibition or interview with the artist, you can either e-mail us at or call either Dominic Chan at 2522-1138 or Josephine Hau at 2526-0818.
Gallery hours: Mon.-Sat. 11:30am to 7:30pm, close on Sundays & public holiday.