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艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-02-15 13:18:07 | 文章来源: 艺术中国




展览时间:200831 日——200844

开幕时间:200831 日下午4



协同策展人: 肖雄

参展艺术家:陈界仁陈杰陈秋林何岸、洪浩黄宽+魏雪冰黄奎胡柳Ingeborg Lüscher蒋志金锋、Soni Kum 李川李勇Lisa Norton刘韡琴嘎、邱志杰邵一沈晓闽沈也苏中秋唐茂宏、汤艺王易罡卫秉强肖雄徐震杨光南余极杨振中张鼎张辽源章清周啸虎朱昱.

擅自将临时建筑建设为永久性的建筑”— 违章建筑定义之一。

“违章建筑”在这里是一个借喻,对“违章建筑”的阐释显然是建立在我们身处其中的社会现实与美学系统的矛盾基础上的,针对的是文化理想主义发展自身的内在逻辑颠乱。在今天,人类面对着临时性的、位移的、无恒定标准的、自我建构的、被他者建构的“违章建筑”,其悖论往往都是建立在对时间与空间的过度阐释上。在什么样的关系中,一个主体的自我建构实际上是被另一个主体所建构?我们无意去寻找两个或多个主体间的间隙所在,而是希望找到不同主体间相互覆盖下的新色谱所在 —“违章”形态。这里要跨越时间,空间、历史、地理、人文等领域,从中我们试图去进行“建筑”。积极意义的“违章建筑”应该是“内”“外”相互置换观照下的一个非稳定主体性生成的来龙去脉。“违章”是一个单向度二元是非判断,是横截面;“建筑”是复杂多维度的人类生存欲望需要,是一个动态链,必需与前者依附才能产生意义。我们在这种状态里游戏,也被这种状态所游戏,因为“违章建筑”构筑我们的日常,可能是有形的,也可能是无形的,可能是某种个体的身体知觉经验史,也可能是某个集体无意识建构历程,每条线蜿蜒交错而自相矛盾又形影不离,互为镜像而生成自我。所以我们不是试图从社会统计学角度的横截面来剖析,而是希望从社会发展游走形态的纵向发生学来寻找过程中历史的、现在的或者未来的意义。世界性的违章建筑遭遇虽然其所“违”的“章”各各不同,但现实叙述的吊诡就是在将临时性“建筑”转化为永久性“建筑”同时,永久性“建筑”也成了临时性的“违章建筑”。

长征计划在2006年推出了违章建筑I, 作为2008年长征空间的首个群展, 违章建筑除了参加人数多达30多位的特点外, 还将在布展等呈现方式上有个特征明显的违章: 打破现当代美术馆白色空间中的约定俗成的阐释作品的方式, 否定作品在空间中视觉的和声音上的区隔, 在这么一个主题展中, 拥抱物理的关联才能建立视觉与心理的关联, 从而达到最大程度的矛盾碰撞. 否定常规性对作品之间的线性语义或独立意义的叙述形式,这种混杂的并置以隐晦的暗示和高调的矛盾来消解导引企图,还是无法回避主观的策展意图,从而使 “违章”和“建筑”成为一个真实性的主体现场。









Email: lm@longmarchspace.com
北京朝阳区酒仙桥路4(798 工厂)
电话 6438 7107 | 传真 6432 3834 |www.longmarchspace.com





Building Code Violations: An exhibition featuring over 30 artists and new works at Long March Space. 

Dates:      1st March – 4 April, 2008

Opening:   1st March 2008,  4 pm

Venue:      Long March Space


Chen Chieh-jen, Chen Jie, Chen Qiulin, He’an, Hong Hao, Huang Kuan+Wei Xuebing,

Huang Kui, Hu Liu, Ingeborg Lüscher, Jiang Zhi, Jin Feng, Soni Kum, Li Chuan, Li Yong, Lisa Norton, Liu Wei, Qin Ga, Qiu Zhijie, Shao Yi, Shen Xiaomin, Shen Ye, Su Zhongqiu, Tang Maohong, Tang Yi, Wang Yigang, Wei Bingqiang, Xiao Xiong, Xu Zhen, Yang Guangnan, Yang Zhenzhong, Yu Ji, Zhang Ding, Zhang Liaoyuan, Zhang Qing, Zhou Xiaohu, Zhu Yu.

Curator: Lu Jie

Co-Curator: Xiao Xiong

‘Building Code Violations’ is a conceptual metaphor….

 The concept of a “Building Code Violation” comes from the legal lexicon of modern urban planning and management targeting those specific individual actions that are in contravention of a normalized and unified social system.  In this exhibition, “Building Code Violations” is a cultural approach directed at a “universal” modernity.  This type of “top down” approach, while revolutionary in nature, has resulted in not only overturning local epistemological systems, but also a displacement of nature and space, a distortion of bodily experiences, and a heightening of class tensions. The expression of “violations” is built upon offshoots of individual needs, and underneath the surface of these acts resides a critique towards the construction of a particular idealist aesthetic or social construction.

 The definition of a ‘Building Code Violation’ is officially classified a ‘fact’ in China, a breach of civil code. What is crucial to this understanding of a ‘building code violation’ is that what may be considered a violation one year, may be approved in the next, and vice-versa.  Building code violations, constructed in daily life should be understood as a process in the society, rather than the basis for social statistics. Such violations can be formless, hidden or undetectable; it could be an individual experience or an unconscious collective perception accumulated in the process of an action. Are we “building” in response to a “violated code”? Or are we consciously “violating code” in response to the “building” around us. Such conundrums are at the heart of this project. This exhibition interprets the concept of "Building Code Violations" as a conflict between social reality and aesthetic ideals. It highlights the contradiction between globalization’s advancement of a single cultural value system, and the reality of societies whose functional systems of existence are thrown apart by its imposition.

 The creation of a ‘building code violation’ responds to an existing situation that is deemed dysfunctional or inherently opportunistic in its approach to cultural, social, or political value - hence individuals and collectives are seeking to pose new methods of action and in turn propose new methods of existence.   Consequently, “Building Code Violations” reflects the power of the “self-built” environment, it points to a necessary force motivated by local contexts, which cannot be overruled by global standards.  The existence of such violations, in a cultural sense, demands that we ask what conditions brought about this breach of code; what circumstances drove an individual or group to take a situation into their own hands in an attempt to improve or adapt; why did they feel so compelled to act in this way? In other words, the shape of the ‘violation’ matters.

‘Building Code Violations will be an exhibition that presents a series of solutions which are in progress, created in response to the reality of social frameworks of today.

In this global world, there are numerous actions and creations that could be considered violations within the fabric of society and social behavior. These various violated codes possess the power to change what may be considered temporary circumstances into permanent and functional entities. This is a never-ending cycle of intervention and approval.

Everything is built in violated codes.


For more information, please contact:

Long March Space

4 Jiuxianqiao Rd, Beijing, China 100015

Tel  +86 10 6438 7107

Fax +86 10 6432 3834









Email: lm@longmarchspace.com
4 Jiuxianqiao Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing
Tel 6438 7107 | Fax 6432 3834 |www.longmarchspace.com




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