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Dieter Rams 迪特·拉姆斯现代设计原则

艺术中国 | 时间: 2011-10-25 09:31:44 | 文章来源: 视觉同盟

Braun Atelier TV and latest iMac 24 博朗专业级电视 & 08新款iMac

  Braun T1000 radio and PowerMac G5/Mac Pro 博朗T1000型收音机 & Mac Pro(PowerPC G5)

Detail of the radio perforated aluminum surface 以上两者外表的排孔铝合金材质

  Braun T3 pocket radio and Apple iPod 博朗T3口袋收音机 & iPod 1st Generation

Braun L60 sound system and Apple iPod Hi-Fi 博朗L60音响系统 & iPod Hi-Fi

Braun LE1 speaker and Apple iMac 博朗LE1音箱 & iMac

Some people will probably call these examples a “rip-off” but, in a world where industrial design and art are constantly being recycled into new work, I just see Apple’s products as a great evolution to classic concepts. Now, as I look at Rams’ work I can’t help but to wonder: which of these old Braun designs will Apple revive next? Is there a MacBook Air—the rumored ultra-slim wire-free portable that seems to be the favorite bet for tomorrow’s keynote—in there? Dieter Rams Gallery Hopefully, we’ll discover at least some answers tomorrow. See you at Macworld! 有人可能会把这些例子叫做“苹果抄袭”,但在现实中工业设计乃至艺术本身本来就是不断继承变化,加工循环的。从这个角度看,Apple的产品是在经典基础上不错的演变。不管是Ive或是Dieter Rams,他们所提倡的所谓“简单”的造型形态不是指设计风格,因为造型形态只是物理表象,达到简化造型有多重手段。从斯堪的维亚的设计中可以看到,通过近乎完美的人机效用设计、通过对材料特质的利用,造型形态的简化被作了最好的阐释。约瑟夫艾尔伯斯教导学生通过对“材料的经济使用”来作设计,形成简单而在“视觉上和构造上的不同层次”,这种对材料与造型关系的研究,是不“粉饰”设计、求简约精致的精要。丹麦工业设计师Jacob Jensen相信“设计是一种语言,它能够被任何人理解”。

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