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【演讲者介绍】伊丽莎白·哈钦森(Elizabeth Hutchinson)

艺术中国 | 时间: 2013-11-09 14:26:25 | 文章来源: 艺术中国
伊丽莎白·哈钦森(Elizabeth Hutchinson)(观看视频)

     Elizabeth Hutchinson is Associate Professor of North American Art History at Barnard College/Columbia University. Her work uses the tools of close visual analysis, feminist and postcolonial theory, and cultural history to bring out objects’ contributions to historical and current cultural debates. Key issues motivating her work include the relationship between visuality and modernity, transculturation in the arts of the Americas, and comparison of the visual culture of the United States with that of other colonial cultures. The author of The Indian Craze: Primitivism, Modernism, and Transculturation in American Art, 1890-1915 (Duke University Press, 2009), Dr. Hutchinson is currently engaged in a study of the Pacific Coast photography of Eadweard Muybridge, relating images of the territory and peoples along the coast from Alaska to Guatemala to broader American ambitions for control in the Pacific in the second half of the nineteenth century. Her other current projects address the representation of American Indian people during the early republic and the place of contemporary indigenous art in the global art world. Professor Hutchinson is the recipient of numerous grants and awards, most recently an ACLS Fellowship.


    Preview of the Speech:

Circling the Globe with the Vanishing Race:International Exhibitions of the Photographs of Edward Curtis

 Edward Curtis produced his epic project documenting “traditional” Native North American life between 1907 and 1930. While The North American Indian, presented as a multi-media exhibition and through volumes of photogravures, received critical acclaim in its own time, it was quickly forgotten after Curtis’ death and was only rediscovered in the 1980s, when critics decried its nostalgic portrayal “the Vanishing Race,” and mainstream audiences warmed to the beauty and nobility of the compositions.

 The revival of Curtis’ reputation has led to the inclusion of his work in a number of international exhibitions organized or supported by the U.S. State Department, which circulates art to embassies, museums and cultural centers as a form of “soft public policy.” Images of America’s diverse cultures feature prominently in these exhibitions and as a means of highlighting national multiculturalism, though it is also arguable that Curtis’ project illustrates cultural appropriation as much as cultural diversity.

 International exhibitions of Curtis’ work offer contradictory messages about timeless and modern Native identity in ways that do not allow for consideration of indigenous Americans’ complex, ongoing colonial history. The most prominent traveling Curtis exhibition, “Sacred Legacy” (2001), was organized for the Department of State has toured venues in five continents. The exhibition, which is accompanied by a film by Anne Makepeace that focuses on the meaning of Curtis’ work for contemporary Indian people, is also popular at tribal museums. My talk will describe this exhibition and its history, exploring how it constructs notions of American art and American colonialism to global audiences.








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