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【演讲者介绍】凯文·墨菲(Kevin M. Murphy)

艺术中国 | 时间: 2013-11-09 14:16:27 | 文章来源: 艺术中国


凯文·墨菲(Kevin M. Murphy) (观看视频)

     Kevin M. Murphy is the Eugénie Prendergast Curator of American Art at the Williams College Museum of Art in Williamstown, Massachusetts. Murphy came to WCMA from the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas where he was Curator of American Art. Joining Crystal Bridges in March 2011, he was part of the curatorial team responsible for the inaugural presentation of the permanent collection when it opened on November 11, 2011. He also managed the Tyson Scholars of American Art, a residential fellowship program with a $5 million endowment. Murphy collaborated with colleagues from the Louvre, Terra Foundation for American Art, and High Museum on a series of focused exhibitions presented in Paris, Atlanta, and Bentonville on major themes in nineteenth century American art, bringing together American, British, and European art from the four collections. Prior to arriving in Bentonville, Murphy was the Bradford and Christine Mishler Associate Curator of American Art at the Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens. He holds a Ph.D. in art history from the University of California Santa Barbara.

    凯文•墨菲:马萨诸塞州威廉姆斯郡的威廉姆斯大学美术馆的美国美术馆分馆长,此前,曾任阿肯萨斯州本顿维尔的水晶桥艺术馆美国艺术分馆馆长。墨菲教授于2011年3月进入水晶桥美术馆工作, 参与策划了于2011年11月11日举办的水晶桥美术馆开幕展,该展览展出了水晶桥美术馆的永久收藏。此外,墨菲教授担任泰森美国艺术奖学金的管理工作(此奖学金捐款额达500万美元)。墨菲和来自卢浮宫、泰拉美国艺术基金会和亚特兰大艺术博物馆的同行们合作,将四个博物馆中的美国、英国和欧洲艺术作品汇集起来,在巴黎、亚特兰大和本顿维尔举办了系列展,展览主题集中于19世纪的美国艺术。在去本顿维尔工作之前,墨菲还曾经担任布拉德福德和克里斯汀•米什勒美国艺术馆的副馆长,在汉丁顿图书馆,艺术收藏及皇家植物馆任职。他在加州大学圣塔巴巴拉分校获得艺术史学博士学位。

    Preview of the Speech:

Thinking Globally, Acting Locally:Presenting American Art at Crystal Bridges  

 Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, located in the small town of Bentonville Arkansas that in turn is situated near the middle of the United States, opened in November of 2011. It is a large, ambitious museum fully cognizant and embracing of its local community but also charged with connecting that community to the nation and the globe through its collection and programming; and conversely connecting the world to Bentonville. For the inaugural installation, curators had the opportunity to present the collection unencumbered by institutional traditions or preconceived audience expectations. However, as a museum collecting only paintings, sculpture, and works on paper made in the United States or North American Colonies, curators also had constraints on their ability to reach beyond American borders. This talk addresses how Crystal Bridges seeks to balance the local, national, and global through a collection that is thoroughly American.






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