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艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-05-16 09:04:38 | 文章来源: 艺术中国 兰红超/ 拍摄

  笑的哲学 1950~2001作品

  此次,冈本信治郎的展览,包含了从500号(197 x 333.3cm)的大作品至版画、立体装置等90余件作品。




  Shinjiro Okamoto's Panoramic Humour Universe
  The Philosophy of Humour 1950-2001

  This exhibition will feature 90 works by Shinjiro Okamoto, including prints, sculptures and a 197 by 333.3 centimeters painting.

  Born in 1933, Shinjiro Okamoto began to draw the distinctive manga Dessin Theater (Sketch Theater) when he was 20 years old. At that time, manga was not recognized as a medium in its own right and line drawings of that kind were labeled and presented as painting. Since then, Okamoto's work has been an investigation of narrative in the clarity of line drawing and flat color planes. Like Yayanagi, now 74 years old, he continues to produce work.

  When making his work, Okamoto seeks to expel all emotion in the image and achieve and make it an expression of objectivity. Although the images in Okamoto's works are full of lines, both thick and thin, if you look at them steadily, their quietness is takes hold.

  This exhibition presents a broad range of his work from 1950 to 2001. In works such as 10 Indians, or World of Insects, which the artist made in response to seeing the large corpse of a grasshopper while on the way to work, one can see how the Okamoto takes a the everyday and the common people as his subject and invests them with his distinctive imagination world called OKASHIN World. Furthermore, his 2001 work Tumbling Cherry Blossoms reveals the distinctive humor and indifference with which Okamoto perceives the way in which the Japanese people have developed their sense of spirituality and aesthetics through theirongoing dialogue with cherry blossoms in song, poetry and painting ever since ancient times.

  We hope that you will come to see this exhibition and see for yourself how Shinjiro Okamoto's works are a dynamic universe of unlimited imagination.


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