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艺术中国 | 时间: 2010-01-05 13:50:35 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

艺术影院 Art Cinematheque


1月7日、10日 19:00




January 7&10, 19:00

Dance with Pina: Pina Bausch’s video and film works


This month, UCCA presents German modern dance choreographer Pina Bausch's two piece of works.Cafe Muller will come first, which is considered one of Bausch's most autobiographical works, representing her Tanztheater style of dance.


讲座 Lecture


1月9日 14:00-16:00

“民艺振兴”系列 1:常嘉煌——敦煌的过去、现在和未来



January 9, 14:00-16:00

Series “Rebirth of Folk Art” 1: Chang Jiahuang - Dunhuang: Past, Present and Future

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

Dunhuang is one of the world’s most fascinating places, owing its reputation to the splendour of its ancient painted caves, and to its position as an important Buddhist center on the Silk Road. How can we keep the spirit of Dunhuang and its treasures alive today?


1月9日 16:00-17:30

“中国故事”系列 6:不停转:固定齿轮自行车文化在北京的兴起



January 9, 16:00-17:30

Series “China Story” 6: Unstoppable: The Birth of Fixed Gear Culture in Beijing

Auditorium / Entry Free / Chinese&English

Track bikes are single speed bikes without the ability to coast. Therefore they are called fixed-gear bikes. This type of bike is quite unusual: You can ride it backwards, it often has no brakes and the simplicity makes it attractive. Fixed-gear zealots are a growing presence on the streets of Beijing and are defining a new urban lifestyle trend to the city.


1月10日 11:30-13:00

“中国故事”系列 7:更多的关注中国自杀问题



January 10, 11:30-13:00

Series “China Story” 7: Raising Awareness About Suicide in China

Auditorium / In Chinese Only

The Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Center focuses on suicide prevention, developing awareness and educating the public to reduce the huge economic and social burdens on both families and on the country. UCCA is inviting specialist Dr. Michael Phillips to present and exchange with audiences to discuss the suicide problem in China.


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