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“new china”艺术展

艺术中国 | 时间: 2006-10-21 09:11:18 | 文章来源: Tom美术同盟


    策展人: Ken jan woo ,Arne Zimmermann,成中奇

    展览时间:August 17- September 28

    Pablo‘s Birthday is a Gallery for contemporary art which is well known to introduce rather unknown artists from other countries to the United States. So far we represent mainly American and German artists and we are very happy to concentrate now on Chinese

    Artists. Pablo‘s Birthday is based in tribeca in New York and participates in art fairs in America and in Europe.

    Arne Zimmermann



    魏光庆 梁绍基 陈继军 吴键(Ken jan Woo) 刘竣 徐光聚 纪晓萍 罗实 汪凌 陈凡 陈欣 成中奇 琨布雷 杜春晖 片子 李明柱 宁佐宏 彭玉忠 刘兵

    Pablo’s Birthday

    84 Franklin Street 

    New York, NY 10013 

    ph 212 219


    fax 212 219 7742


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