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艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-12-16 15:58:10 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

  Chinese Contemporary Beijing is pleased to announce its upcoming exhibition LOOK AT THIS!, featuring works by the artists Huang Rui, Lu Hao, Sheng Qi, Wu Junyong, Xue Song, and Zhang Dali. The exhibition will run from December 20, 2008 to February 13, 2009.

  LOOK AT THIS! is composed of works that explore China's contemporary climate through the eyes of six diverse artists. Each of the exhibited works contains the medium of paper; however, it is not the medium but rather the deft and unique execution of the works which lends power to their commentary.

  Huang Rui, Zhang Dali and Lu Hao use the lithograph method to convey a range of contemporary ideas. Huang Rui's prints refer to the Selected Works of Mao Zedong, while Zhang Dali's iconic AK-47 portraits are a nod to the massive migrant population flooding China's rapidly expanding cities. Lu Hao's lithographs are created in the traditional Chinese technique, visible through the crease marks created by hand placed clipboards edging the works. The prints depict some of Beijing's most prominent buildings doubling as bird cages and fish bowls. Also to be exhibited are Wu Junyong's expertly crafted ink and color drawings and Xue Song's unique multi-media collages composed of scraps of pamphlets and magazines. Finally, the show will include Sheng Qi's oil painting of the artist's four fingered hand over which he has placed a photograph of the gates of Tiananmen Square.

  Huang Rui, Lu Hao, Sheng Qi, Wu Junyong, Xue Song, and Zhang Dali's works exhibited in LOOK AT THIS! offer a comprehensive cross section of Chinese contemporary art through the artists' diverse backgrounds, age and techniques. Widely exhibited at home and abroad, these six artists represent the finest of China's avant garde.

  For further inquiries, please contact Alessandra Henderson at alessandra@chinesecontemporary.com or at +86 136.8322.4496.

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