弗罗丽安·德·拉塞 个人摄影作品展 -《夜》
出生于巴黎的弗罗丽安•德•拉塞先后毕业于巴黎高等室内建筑及广告设计艺术学院(Penninghen/ESAG)与纽约国际摄影中心 (ICP, New York City)。她的作品《夜》曾于2005年荣获美国摄影界新闻杂志特等奖,随后此系列作品在巴黎、纽约、莫斯科等地展出。2006年6月至2007年间,她的作品入选参展阿尔勒国际摄影节。
Floriane de Lassée
Inside Night Views
Solo Exhibition – Photography
Opening party: September 27th, 2008 - 3pm
Exhibition Dates: September 27th, 2008 – November 20th, 2008
Venue: Paris-Beijing Photo Gallery II
From Paris to Moscow, from New York to Shanghai, Floriane de Lassée takes her large format camera to the top of the roofs, where she captures the atmosphere of the city.
Taken by night, her photographs lead us to the enchanting atmosphere of Paris soften lights, Moscow warm colors, or to the electric ambiances of Tokyo and Shanghai. The night-time city is the theatrical scene of singular moments. Behind their window, in the intimacy of their apartment, anonymous individual are caught by her regard. Floriane de Lassée captures intimate moments as an indiscrete spectator; she witnesses their silent solitude in this ocean of glass and concrete. Sometimes she appears in the frame as a transparent almost immaterial silhouette; thus the artist becomes the subject and the author of these graphic and feminine pictures.
Every image is a natural diptych – with no artifice or retouching – juxtaposing a calm, intimate, Apollonian foreground in which there is an isolated figure, as if having found itself at last, and a background featuring the teeming, Dionysian city, illuminated by ocelli of light scattered through the darkness. The tension comes from the coexistence, in one and the same landscape, of a series of opposites: inside and outside, light and darkness, solitude and multiplicity, flatness and relief, emptiness and fullness, immobility and movement, silence and noise, identity and anonymity.
Born in Paris, Floriane de Lassée is graduated from Penninghen/ESAG School of Design (Paris) and from the School of the International Center of Photography (ICP, New York City). In 2005, she won the Grand Prize in the US Photo District News magazine (PDN) with her night views series and then was exhibited in Paris, New York and Moscow. In July 2006 and 2007, her works were part of the “Voies Off” selection of the Arles Photography Festival.
Floriane de Lassée will be in residency in Beijing during the time of her exhibition to compose the Beijing - Inside Views. These photographic series will be exhibited at the Paris-Beijing Photo Gallery in spring 2009.
