“Such kind of live”,photograph, C-print,editions:20,123 x 25cm,2007,Wang Tao,王弢
展览名称:THE THING LIKES 物像 开幕式 Opening: September 6th at 4pm 展期 Duration: Sep 6th– Oct 25th,2008 参展艺术家: 杜英男、王弢、阎实 Artists present: Du Yingnan, Wang Tao, Yan Shi 展览地点: 三月空间March Art/Felix Ringel gallery Beijing T/F: +86 10 8096 9200 E:info@march-art.com www.march-art.com 北京朝阳区酒仙桥2号798艺术区陶瓷三街 Tao Ci San Jie, 798 Art Zone, 2 JiuXian Qiao Road, ChaoYang District 100015 Beijing
杜英男的《I see, I know》系列由三部分组成,此次展出的是第二单元之《狂欢》:在重叠、宽幅、形式感中,作品透射出一种难以言喻的审视的气氛,明显的杜英男式的距离感——一种附着于体制却又暧昧两可的批判精神。
Du Yingnan, Yan Shi and Wang Tao are three artists with drastically different predispositions, temperaments, life experience and modes of creation. Although their photography lacks specific subjects or cities, a non-specific feeling of existence influences the representation of these objective images before the camera lens.
Du Yingnan’s “I See, I Know” series is composed of three parts, displayed here is a work from the second part: Revelry. Through image repetition, wide frames, and stylistic forms, the work radiates an atmosphere of rational inspection that is hard to describe, an noticeably Du Yingnan style of fostering a sense of distance–––a critical spirit that, even thought it adheres to the existing framework, its presentation is ambiguous and evasive.
Yan Shi places his skinless, hairless animals in the wild, consequently, these lifeless animals are given a new vibrant and upright second chance for survival, they achieve a wild and audacious new zenith of anguish and joy. The solemn tableau in this animal version of 1,001 Nights is an alternative surreptitious and mystical world, a kind of extreme beauty.
Wang Tao was born in 1980, a Beijing child who unaffectedly came to age amidst national reform, this year he produced only two works, Married and Living Like This. In his creations Wang Tao puts up no resistance to urban change and pursues a pure aestheticism, each work has two edition sizes, with a total of 20 prints.
阎实作品 Rabbit
阎实作品 Sheep
阎实作品 Snake