张霜个展:怎么了! 展览时间: 2008.08.09-09.08 开幕酒会: 2008.08.09 16:00 展览地点: 北京方音画廊 联系电话: +86 10 8459 9257 电子信箱: fangfineart@yahoo.com.cn 网站: www.ffinegallery.com
2006年下半期出现的《天使小魔女》系列反映了一位怀孕母亲的复杂心情,既期待又怕又伤害,鬼灵精怪的动作和表情,十足卡通化的大头小身体造型,像天使又像精灵的女孩,显得脆弱又坚强,纯真又诡异。2007年张霜的女儿出世,看着无辜而纯洁的婴儿一天天长大,她画中的女孩眼睛越瞪越大,流露出越来越多的惊慌和复杂的心思和考虑,使她更完善地表达了她身为人母的心路历程。 从《天使小魔女》系列延伸出《可乐》、《奇怪的数字》和《怎么了》等较大尺幅的画作,张霜的创作生涯也渐入佳境,步入成热。
The World of Zhang Shuang for the Angel Little Succuba
Lu Rongzhi
It was at the workroom where Zhangshuang shared with her husband in Chengdu that I saw her works at first time. But I failed to see her because she was pregnant then. The picture of Angel Little Succuba I saw at first glance was doomed to extend our later friendship. So the figure of the little elf produced by Zhang Shuang, whom I never met, joined the exhibition field of Animation Aesthetics Biyearly Exhibition held by Shanghai Contemporary Artistic Museum. However, Jin Shan Ji, a famous Korean and Japanese exhibition planner, determined to invite Zhang Shuang to hold exhibition in Southern Korea when he saw the works of Zhangshuang at one time. It was in this very year that Zhang Shuang had given birth to her daughter, a real lovely fairy, so the happiness of becoming a mother and its relevant experiences to the life have accelerated her productions of more little succubas on the paper, which have flew into the external broad world due to many invitations for exhibition
As an artist with intuition typed production, Zhang Shuang started her artistic career out of un-expectation. After graduation from Central Institute of Arts and Crafts in 1994, Zhang Shuang started her works of propaganda design. She began to doodle some casual pictures on the paper in the spare time in 2000, while carved some sculptures with the artistic cutter on the black boards. She attended in advanced studies in China Central Institute of Fine Arts since 2001 till 2002, and finished over 200 pictures on the main paper with the dimensions of A4 and A3 in the limited space of her dormitory. In this period, she began to use many comprehensive medias and materials including the watercolor, canvas bar, colored pencil, ball pen, golden pen or silver pen etc besides the former black and white pictures finished with lines, which made her into a state of formal picture production.
Her works in the early time have strong characters of child pictures besides some adult ones. Their expression ways are very innocent and casual, while she focused on the production of the figure pictures. She had her own workroom after moving to Chengdu, so her pictures became broad since 2004 to 2005, while she began to focus on the production with some topics, and the series of Chengdu Expression has formed her striking personal styles finally. It can say that she prefers the tiny and plentiful changes on the facial expressions of woman rather than she preferred the figure picture. She adopts the techniques of exaggeration of Animaxim and interest, esp. the magnification to the proportion of the eyes. Continuing the description of the series works of Chengdu Expression to the urban women, series pictures of Beautiful and Regretful World depicted the women driven by the urban desires, their hidden sorrows and pains under the abundant material supplies and the exterior elegance. The pictures of See-through Dress Series Zhang Shuang finished in the first half of the year of 2006 adopted no forms of head portraits rather than the elongate scrolls to depict the extruded bodies and the opened scared expressions in one’s eyes with the emotion of the confusion and unease, and these characters on the eyes formed the symbol of her late personal style.
Series pictures of Angel Little Succuba finished in the last half of the year of 2006 showed the complicated moods of a pregnant mother: expectation and fear of being harmed. The strange activities and expressions of the ghosts and spirits, the figure sculpts of big heads and small bodies with the characters of cartoon, and the girls resembling both the angel and the fairies showing to be both fragile and adamant, na?ve and peculiar. Zhang Shuang had a daughter in 2007, seeing her innocent and pure baby growing day after day, the eyes of the girls in her pictures were becoming larger and larger so as to show more and more panics and complicated ideas and consideration, all these have made her more completely depict her mental courses of being a mother. From series works of Angel Little Succuba to the pictures with larger dimensions including Kola, Strange Digital Numbers and What’s Wrong etc, the production career of Zhang Shuang also gradually entered the most pleasant stage and became mature.
In the contemporary artistic field in 21 century, the global artists of new generation are gradually entering the language world of Animaxim. The word Animaxim is a new word produced by myself to describe this new tendency which rose from and led by Asia, e.g. the cartoon trend of the aesthetics appreciation in this big time, just like the abstraction trend in last century. This is the characteristic of this time in aesthetics rather than the animation and caricature production itself.
Zhang Shuang is also a very typical case in the development history of Animaxim which I have focused on for long time. |