高山流水 #33, 2007, 布面丙稀, 104 x 90cm
2008年7月31日 - 8月23日
精艺轩画廊 www.artbeatus.com
精艺轩画廊位于中环嘉咸街卅五号地铺(近荷李活道与摆花街交界)。如欲访问艺术家或查询展览的详情可电邮或致电 2522.1138向Dominic Chan 或2526.0818向Josephine Hau 查询。画廊开放时间:星期一至六 11:30am-7:30pm 星期日及公众假期休息。
2006 拍摄联合国文化遗产(中国部份地区)
2005 获中国上海马爹利艺术家年奬
2000 编导、制作《中国民间》记録片及影集
1994 编导《偶遇》电影
1988 获香港艺术联盟第一届摄影家奬
1985 获香港十大杰出青年奬
1984 八厘米影片《城寨》参加伊朗影展展出
[专稿] 水禾田 油彩山水画展
[专稿] 水禾田—油彩山水画展
Artist, Photographer, Designer, Film Director.
Born in Nanhai, China.
Photo Journalistic Work in Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, China, Africa, India, Thailand, Canada, U.S.A., Taiwan, Singapore, Philippines.
Painting Exhibitions held in Hong Kong, Macau, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Tokyo, U.S.A., Canada.
2006 World Heritage Photography Project (some UNESCO World Heritage sites in China)
2005 Martell Artist of the Year, Shanghai, China
2000 Documentary Director and Photographer of “Chinese Culture”
1994 Film Director of “Met Unexpectedly”
1988 Awarded Artist of the Year (Photography)
1985 Awarded Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Professional Youth of the Year
1984 Self-produced short film was presented in Iran Film Festival
Running Water Mountain High
Acrylic Shan-Shui paintings of Water Poon
July 31 – August 23, 2008
Art Beatus Gallery www.artbeatus.com
35-39 Graham Street, Ground Floor, Central, Hong Kong
The artist will attend the opening reception between 6 to 8pm on July 31, 2008
Water Poon is not an unfamiliar name in Hong Kong’s art scene. Three decades of untiring and multi-facet artistic endeavours have made him an almost synonym to photography, art, travel, design and film production.
His latest challenge is acrylic “Shan-Shui” paintings on canvas. In the works to be on show in “Running Water Mountain High” exhibition at Art Beatus Gallery, Poon skilfully captured the essences of majestic mountains and sceneries with the minimal variations in colours and brush strokes.
Shan-Shui paintings of oriental artists harbour deeper connotations and are very different from the landscape paintings of their occidental counterparts. The paintings are not mere artistic reproductions of certain landscapes. They are frequently the philosophical interpretation of the creators of their environs, their mindscapes.
Poon’s acrylic Shan-Shui is clearly an extension of his ink Shan-Shui paintings, which he started a few years ago. The new works are more clean-cut. The minimal treatment in depiction aims to catch and bring forth the deep tranquillity of Mother Nature rather than to explore the complexity of the scenery.
Artist’s Statement:
Running Water Mountain High
The jagged mountain rises above the thin veil of fleeting clouds in all her majesty.
Faint sound from the nearby stream breaks the Great silence.
Nature is speechless but I could feel her passion.
I am in awe and in love with the Great Spirit. -- Water Poon
Art Beatus Gallery is located on the ground floor of 35-39 Graham Street, Central, near the junction with Hollywood Road and Lyndhurst Terrace (SOHO Area). For further information about this exhibition or interview with the artist, you can either e-mail us at dyiu@artbeatus.com.hk or call either Dominic Chan at 2522-1138 or Josephine Hau at 2526-0818.Gallery hours: Mon.-Sat. 11:30am to 7:30pm, close on Sundays & public holiday.