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[专稿] Yeah!解剖——任军个人作品展

艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-05-15 09:44:59 | 文章来源: 艺术中国


  策 展 人:任军
  展览总监:陈德城 杜放
  媒体联系:卢星 王婵娟
  主 办 :上海多伦现代美术馆 协办:美术焦点传媒









  Yeah! Dissection——Ren Jun’s Works Exhibition
  Curator: Ren Jun
  Producer: Chen Decheng
  Administrative Director: Du Xiyun, Du Fang
  Exhibition Coordinator: Gu Jiajun
  Media: Lu Xing, Wang Chanjuan
  Date: May 17 – May 25, 2008
  Opening: May 17, 2008 3:00pm
  Venue: 1-2/F, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, No. 27, Duolun Rd
  Presented by: Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art
  Co-operator: Art Focus Media
  For further information:
  Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art
  Lu Xing Tel: 65406703-106, Wang Chanjuan Tel: 65406703-103
  Email: nhkbook@hotmail.com chanjuanwang@gmail.com

  Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art will hold the “Ren Jun’s Works Exhibition” from May 17th, 2008 to May 25th 2008.

  Born and educated in Xi’an, an ancient city remaining the charm of Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, Ren Jun became a pioneer involved in the market as a public sculpture artist, shuttling around the world over the years. It is under this situation where traditional culture, international culture, and local culture of society coexist that he chose to return to his motherland and follow closely the current local experience and cultural issues. The series of “Yeah” is an “eruption”of deep psychological awareness by using the hand signal “yeah” in the pictures. All these are done to compare and find out the differences among today’s Chinese in their cultural psychology through combining his international vision with local experience, and his understanding of traditional culture on the basis of carefully collecting samples, examining and studying.

  Nowadays, the hand signal “yeah” is popular in China, and has become a daily motion. As a symbol gesture originating from western culture, it originally refers to VICTORY. Ironically, the westerners use it far less than Chinese.

  The popularity of the hand signal “yeah” is one of the features that pop culture occupies the guiding culture, which suggests the symmetry of cultural psychology among levels of all kinds. At present, the frequent use of it bears some latent relation to the increasing desire, revealing a kind of collective awareness. Therefore, the reason why Ren Jun chooses it is that he hopes to express concisely some current psychology of a group of people.

  As to the way of painting, he casts off painting techniques and fun and uses the large-size paintbrush and non-painting tools to express his art concept freely and directly, which keeps the purity and the directness. In the “eruption”, he seizes and expresses his unique feeling and understanding, which cannot be expressed in language. Different from those stereotyped works, his unique art language gives all his works a special direction, thus bringing the whole series richness and exactness. Containing more subjective attitude of the artist, the grayish-white hue intends to create a sense of distance of time to today’s vigorous lives in his works, by which a viewer can look closely at these paintings with the eye of history and reflect upon the past.

  Driven by the awareness of history, Ren Jun tries to seize and cover the state of mind and its ways of expression of a group of modern people. Therefore, his works are of cultural study value and historical value.

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